Stamp pottery culture

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Stamp pottery culture ( Chinese  印纹 陶 文化 , Pinyin Yìnwéntáo Wénhuà , English Stamped Pottery Culture; Impressed Pottery Culture ) is an old name for an ancient culture in southeastern China. It was mainly widespread in the areas of Guangdong , Taiwan , Fujian , Hunan , Hubei , Jiangxi , Zhejiang and Jiangsu and is named for its main characteristic: the geometric decorations pressed into the surface of the pottery. It comes from the late Neolithic and was mainly common in the time of the Shang and Zhou dynasties . Not only did it last over a long period of time, but the cultures of the various areas also show regional variations.

In 1978, the Jiangxi Provincial Museum and Wenwu Chubanshe Publishing House in Lushan called a symposium on the subject of the Jiangnan region's stamp pottery.

The stamp pottery culture (Impressed Pottery Culture) first appeared in the early Neolithic on the Balkan Peninsula in Europe.


See also

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Individual evidence

  1. Cihai , p. 2041.
  2. Cihai , p. 2041.
  3. Cihai , p. 2041.
  4. Cihai , p. 2041.
  5. Zhongguo da baike quanshu , Kaoguxue , p. 750
  6. Zhongguo da baike quanshu , Kaoguxue , p. 619