Charles Alphonse Dufresnoy

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Allegory of Painting , 1650

Charles Alphonse Dufresnoy or Du Fresnoy (* 1611 in Paris , † January 16, 1668 in Villiers-Le-Bel ) was a French painter and collaborator with Pierre Mignard . Its effect on painting remained very influential until the 19th century.

Dufresnoy learned his trade from Simon Vouet . In his studio he also met Pierre Mignard , with whom he shared a close friendship throughout his life. At the age of 21 he went to Rome , where he studied Raphael and antiquity. From 1653 to 1656 studies followed in Venice , where he was primarily concerned with the work of Titian and other great painters of the Venetian school.

Between 1635 and 1656 he wrote the Latin didactic poem De arte graphica about painting. The painter, art critic and diplomat Roger de Piles published it in 1668, with annotations and a French prose translation, a few months after Dufresnoy's death.
