Charles Dumont de Sainte Croix

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Charles Dumont de Sainte Croix (1817)

Charles Henri Frédéric Dumont de Sainte Croix (born April 27, 1758 in Oisement near Abbeville , † January 8, 1830 ) was a French lawyer and amateur ornithologist . Its author abbreviation is Dumont .


His father was the royal judge Jean Charles Nicolas Dumont († 1788). Charles Dumont became a lawyer at the royal court in Paris, department head in the Justice Ministry under Louis Gohier , director of the legal committee and a member of several learned societies .

Dumont was arrested on the orders of the Welfare Committee while hanging up a poster reminding of the principles of justice during the trial of General Custine . After Robespierre's fall , Dumont was released and subsequently distinguished himself through a number of writings, including ornithological contributions, in particular the volume on ornithology in the Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles by FG ​​Levrault.

Works (selection)


  • Biography universelle ou dictionnaire de tous les hommes qui se sont fait remarquer par leurs écrits, leurs actions, leurs talents, leurs vertus ou leurs crimes. Volume 6, p. 318 ( Google books )
  • Biography universal ancienne et modern. Appendix, Volume 63, pp. 136f. ( Google books )

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