Charles McCully

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Charles McCully (born April 30, 1947 in Motherwell , † October 23, 2007 in Meriden , Connecticut ) was a Scottish -born American football player .


McCully played in Scotland with the Cambuslang Rangers and Stirling Albion . In 1967 he moved to the American Soccer League , where he won the championship with the Philadelphia Ukrainians . In 1968 the offensive player joined the Boston Beacons in the newly formed North American Soccer League , but the franchise was eliminated at the end of the first season. After two years in the German American Soccer League , he returned to the NASL in 1971, this time as a player for New York Cosmos for two seasons . After he had meanwhile settled in Connecticut, he ran from 1975 on for the newly established Hartford Bicentennials franchise . In 1976 and 1977, respectively, he was under contract for one season with the Washington Diplomats and Connecticut Yankees .

Between 1973 and 1975 McCully ran for the US national team , in eleven internationals he was denied a goal.

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