Charles Yriarte

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Charles Yriarte

Charles Yriarte (born December 5, 1832 in Paris , † 1898 ) was a French writer from a family from Spain .

He devoted himself to the École des Beaux-Arts of Architecture , in 1856 inspector of government buildings and escorted a few years later as a draftsman and the rapporteur Monde Illustré the Spanish army in their campaign against Morocco . For the same purpose, he then traveled to Spain and Italy and, on his return (1862), took over the editor-in-chief of Monde Illustré , which he resigned at the end of 1871 in order to lead a wandering life in the following years, the impressions of which he used as a writer, like those of his earlier trips .


  • La societe espagnole (Par. 1861)
  • Sous la tente, souvenir du Maroc (1862)
  • Paris grotesque, les celebrites de la rue 1815–63 (1864, 2nd ed. 1868)
  • Les cercles de Paris, 1828–64 (1865)
  • Portraits of Paris (1865)
  • Nouveaux portraits parisiens (1869)
  • Goya, sa vie, son oeuvre (1867)
  • Portraits cosmopolites and Tableaux de la guerre (1870)
  • Les Prussiens a Paris et le 18 mars (1871)
  • Campagne de France 1870-71 (1871)
  • Les princes d'Orleans (1872)
  • Le Puritain (1873)
  • La vie d'un patricien de Venise au XVI. siecle (crowned by the academy, 2nd edition 1885)
  • La Bosnie et l'Herzegovine pendant l'insurrection (1875)
  • Venise: l'histoire, l'art, l'industrie, la ville et la vie (1877)
  • Les bords de l'Adriatique (1878)
  • Florence (1880)
  • Un condottiere au XV. siecle: Rimini (1882)
  • Francoise de Rimini (1882)
  • Matteo Civitali (1885)
  • Cesar Borgia (1889, 2 vol.)
  • Mantegna (1901)