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Oberstdorf: Rubihorn (left) and Gaisalphorn

Oberstdorf: Rubihorn (left) and Gaisalphorn

height 1957  m above sea level NHN
location Bavaria , Germany
Mountains Thumb group , Allgäu Alps
Dominance 1 km →  goat's foot
Notch height 95 m ↓  Niedereck
Coordinates 47 ° 25 '28 "  N , 10 ° 18' 55"  E Coordinates: 47 ° 25 '28 "  N , 10 ° 18' 55"  E
Rubihorn (Bavaria)

The Rubihorn is a 1957 meter high mountain in the Allgäu Alps . It is located east of Oberstdorf and, together with the Nebelhorn, belongs to the so-called thumb group .


On July 9, 1987, a rock fall occurred on the north side of the Rubihorn , in which between 10,000 and 15,000 m³ of rubble fell into the valley. The traces of this event can still be seen from afar.

Hiking trails

  • Reichenbach (car park) - Gaisalpe (1165 m) - Unterer Gaisalpsee (1508 m) - summit (this variant takes about 3.5 hours, surefootedness and a head for heights are absolutely necessary)
  • Nebelhornbahn (middle station Vordere Seealpe 1280 m) - Roßbichel (1465 m) - summit (with this variant you have already gained a lot of height by taking the Nebelhornbahn , but surefootedness and a head for heights are also required on this route)



Web links

Commons : Rubihorn  - collection of images, videos and audio files