Charles Zumstein

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Charles Zumstein (born January 30, 1867 in Magstatt-le-Bas in Alsace; † February 26, 1963 ) was a French, German-speaking theater poet , dowser , poet and singer .


He wrote his first poems when he was eleven. In 1906 he published a collection of poetry under the title Sounds from the Sundgau . The house where he was born is now one of the landmarks of Magstatt-le-Bas . He instructed several students in radiesthesia . In 1907, the 17-year-old later Alemannic poet Nathan Katz is said to have been impressed by his readings.

Works (selection)

  • D'r Waltuuntergang , Colmar: Edition "Alsatia", 1922, (plays for the Alsatian club stage)
  • Dr nei Herr Maire or Dignity brings burden , Colmar: Edition "Alsatia", 1922 (comedy)
  • G'schpass un Ârnscht , Colmar: Les Editions d'Alsace, subtitle: Vârsle üs'm Sundgaü (poetry)
  • s Bachludis Màriànnlé , Edité par la société d'Histoire de la Hochkirch, 1986
  • Awe g'schluckte Brocke (dialect poems) about the war 1914-1918 , Rixheim, 1919
  • Rim di, edder i friss di. Varsle üs'm Sundgoi , Rixheim, 1910

Web links

Individual evidence
