Charlotte Prince

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Charlotte Prinz (born July 17, 1904 in Bergisdorf ; † September 25, 1993 in Darmstadt ) was a German painter .

She completed an apprenticeship as a trade teacher with a focus on design in Erfurt and Breslau . From 1936 to 1945 she worked as a teacher at vocational and technical schools in Breslau. From 1951 to 1954 she studied at the Werkkunstschule Darmstadt with H. Hoffmann-Lederer, then from 1954 to 1955 she studied non-representational painting with Willi Baumeister and Max Bense at the Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart . She also worked as a teacher at the Darmstadt vocational school from 1951 to 1958. From 1958 she lived as a freelance artist in Darmstadt .

In 1992 she brought her studio in Darmstadt-Arheilgen to a foundation named after her . With the support of the city of Darmstadt, it has since served as a place of work for young artists who have received the two-year Charlotte Prinz scholarship .


  • Charlotte Prinz: From the perspective of a painter. Archive of Darmstadt Artists, Darmstadt 1988.
  • Charlotte Prince. Exhibition catalog, Museum Wiesbaden, Art Collections, August 30 - September 25, 1983.

Individual evidence

  1. Charlotte-Prinz-Scholarship on