Cheikh Raymond

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Cheikh Raymond (born July 27, 1912 in Constantine , French North Africa , today's Algeria ; † June 22, 1961 there ; born as Raymond Raoul Leyris ) was one of the leading Ma'luf musicians, singers and oud players in Algeria, who, himself a Jew, advocated a peaceful coexistence of Jews and Muslims in Constantine. He was considered a master of his musical subject and sang in Arabic . Cheikh (Eng. "Sheikh") was an honorary title for the musician who was revered by Jews and Muslims alike.

On June 22, 1961, probably for anti-Semitic motives, he was shot from behind by Algerian nationalists in the Jewish market of Place Négrier in Constantine. The murder of her famous co-religionist caused fear and horror among Algerian Jews and contributed to the fact that many left the country, including Leyris' student Enrico Macias , who later became a successful musician in France.

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