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Chetemu-netjer in hieroglyphics
Old empire
R8 S20

seal keeper (of) God
also: God sealer

Chetemu-netjer is an ancient Egyptian title with two different meanings.



In the Old Kingdom it was the ancient Egyptian name of the priestly embalmer and is documented as a secondary title for the priesthood " High Priest of Osiris " and " High Priest of Sa-meref ". The title is fundamentally different from the secular office of the royal sealer .

The associated priesthood was exercised in the mortuary temples in connection with the Osiris cult . The priesthood of Chetemu-netjer has also been occupied in Abydos since the Middle Kingdom .

Official title

The title "Chetemu-netjer" ("Gottessiegler") is also carried by expedition leaders, which was used occasionally in the Old Kingdom. In the Middle Kingdom, on the other hand, the use of the title became the rule and is especially attested by leaders of royal expeditions on Sinai . It remains uncertain whether “God” means the king himself or a deity.

See also


  • Mouhamadou-Nissire Sarr: Funérailles et représentations dans les tombes de l'ancien et du moyen empires Egyptiens - Cas de comparaison avec les civilizations actuelles de l'Afrique noire. Lit, London 2001, ISBN 3-8258-5825-1 , p. 38.
  • Serge Sauneron : Le «Chancelier du Dieu» [. . .] dans son double rôle d'embaumeur et de prêtre d'Abydos. In: Le Bulletin de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale (BIFAO) No. 51, 1952, pp. 137-171.
  • Rainer Hanning , Large Concise Dictionary Egyptian-German. 2nd edition, von Zabern, Mainz 1997, ISBN 3-8053-1771-9 , p. 626

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Alan Henderson Gardiner , Thomas Eric Peet, Jaroslav Černý : The Inscriptions of Sinai Volume 1: Introduction and plates (= Memoir of the Egypt Exploration Fund. Vol. 45, ISSN  0307-5109 ). 2nd edition, revised and augmented by Jaroslav Černý, Egypt Exploration Society, London 1955, pp. 14-15.