Chevron B24

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Chevron B24

The Chevron B24 was a Formula 5000 racing car developed by Chevron Cars in 1972 .

The B24 was Chevron's first Formula 5000 racing car and thus the British racing car manufacturer's entry into the construction of large monopostos . Up until now, Chevron had limited itself to vehicles in the smaller formula classes. In the Chevron nomenclature, the B24 followed the Chevron B23 , a 2-liter displacement sports car that was developed in the early 1970s. Chevron built eight copies, all of which were equipped with a Chevrolet V8 engine . The B24 was a successful racing vehicle with numerous racing victories. The type of car is also noteworthy in that it marks the only success of a Formula 5000 car over Formula 1 vehicles. In 1973 , Peter Gethin won the Race of Champions at Brands Hatch with a works B24, which was advertised for Formula 5000 and Formula 1 racing cars .

Web links

Commons : Chevron B24  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files