Chilperic II (Burgundy)

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Chilperich II († probably around 476) was a son of King Gundioch and brother of Godegisel , Godomar I and Gundobad .

The older research assumed that after the death of Gundioch and his brother Chilperich I, the four sons of Gundioch exercised a joint sovereignty and moved into their residence in different cities. Gregory of Tours reports that Chilperich (after he had been killed with the sword) was thrown into a well together with his wife at the endeavor of his brother Gundobad to take over his kingdom. His daughter Chrodechild then instigated her son Chlodomer to wage war against the Burgundians and also Sigismund in a blood feud in 523/24to drown the son of Gundobad, like her father and his family, in a well. In the more recent research this is strongly doubted, because there is a lack of reliable evidence and the death dates of Gundioch's sons are not completely clear. In addition, the bishop , who was hostile to Arianism, wanted to justify the war against Burgundy.

It is now rather assumed that both Godomar and Chilperich II. 476/77 had already died and only Godegisel and Gundobad shared power. In the older literature it is often noted that Chilperich II died in 493 in inner-Burgundian power struggles; however, the later date of death is to be regarded as outdated by recent research.

One of Chilperich's daughters named Crona went to the monastery, the other, Chrodechild , later married the Frankish king Clovis I after Clovis and Godegisel had allied themselves in the fight against Gundobad.



  1. Reinhold Kaiser: The Burgundy. Stuttgart 2004, p. 59.
  2. Reinhold Kaiser: The Burgundy . Stuttgart 2004, p. 115f.
  3. Reinhold Kaiser: The Burgundy . Stuttgart 2004, p. 116.
  4. Reinhold Kaiser: The Burgundy. Stuttgart 2004, p. 265.
predecessor Office successor
Chilperich I. King of the Burgundies / Valence
473–476 (uncertain)