Maria Dreieichen cholera cemetery

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Cholera cemetery

The Maria Dreieichen cholera cemetery is a cemetery established in 1866 near the village of Maria Dreieichen in the Lower Austrian community of Rosenburg-Mold . The cemetery is a listed building .


During the Austro-Prussian War in 1866 broke the Prussian army , the cholera made. With the advance of the troops, cholera also spread in those parts of Lower Austria that were entered by Prussian soldiers or were otherwise in contact with Prussian soldiers. During the march through, soldiers also quartered themselves in the area around Horn. The Prussian soldier Gustav Maverspörg was the first to fall victim to cholera on August 4, 1866, but he was buried in the parish cemetery in Maria Dreieichen.


The cemetery is located east of Maria Dreieichen and can only be reached on foot. A brick oven could have been in the immediate vicinity, as the parish registers of Maria Dreieichen recorded the “cholera cemetery near the brick oven or brick barn” as the burial place. On the small area there are several graves with forged crosses, only behind is a granite tombstone. There is a memorial stone in the middle of the cemetery. All the buried died in 1866 and were buried between August 8, 1866 and October 15, 1866 at the cholera cemetery; There are 22 people from Mold, 13 from Mörtersdorf and four from Zaingrub. Since then, the cemetery has been tended by Catholic women and decorated with flowers.


Between Horn and Breiteneich is the Prussian cemetery Breiteneich , are buried in the other Prussian soldiers.

Web links

Commons : Cholerafriedhof Maria Dreieichen  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files
  • History on the side of the community Rosenburg-Mold

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lower Austria - immovable and archaeological monuments under monument protection. ( Memento from September 23, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) . Federal Monuments Office , as of June 27, 2014 (PDF).

Coordinates: 48 ° 38 '54.3 "  N , 15 ° 43' 9.2"  E