Chopper (ghost)

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Chopper is the name of a ghost that allegedly appeared in Kurt Bachseitz's dental practice in Neutraubling from May 1981 , but which was exposed as a hoax on March 4, 1982 by a special commission of the Regensburg and Munich criminal police.


The “ghost” was allegedly in love with the then 16-year-old dental assistant Claudia Judenmann. He harassed his loved one with proposals, promises, stupid jokes and profanity that the treated patients could clearly hear. Claudia Judenmann even admitted having had sexual intercourse with the ghost. The dentist filed a complaint against unknown persons, whereupon police officers , eavesdropping specialists from the Federal Post Office and parapsychologists from Freiburg tried for weeks to determine the origin of the voice, which even came from washbasins and sanitary facilities. Complicated technical traps were laid and the telephone system in the entire house was completely replaced.

Even Hans Bender , a pioneer in the field of Parapsychology, was involved in the investigation. The tabloids as well as radio and television reported continuously on the investigation.


Ultimately, it turned out that the "persecuted" herself had staged the alleged ghost together with the then 62-year-old dentist and his wife. A police officer had noticed how synchronous "lip movements of the trainees in a mirror" could be observed at the same time as a chopper phenomenon . The perpetrators were sentenced to a five-figure ( DM ) fine for pretending to be a criminal offense . In addition, the Bundespost sent the couple an invoice for damages for 35,000 DM (34,000 € in today's purchasing power).

Claudia Judenmann now lives under a different identity in the Regensburg area.


In 1983, the events served as a template for the framework plot for the fifth episode of the European radio play series Larry Brent with the title Chopper - Ghost Voice from the Beyond .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Süddeutsche Zeitung : Spook in the dental practice from March 4, 2012
  2. Mittelbayerische Zeitung : Chopper, the spook from the spittoon from February 8, 2013
  3. " Open your mouth!" - Zahnarzt-Geist Chopper turns 25 on n-tv on February 16, 2007