Chorikios of Gaza

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Chorikios of Gaza was a rhetorician and sophist . He lived in the 6th century .

Chorikios was a student of the rhetorician Prokopios of Gaza and was his successor as a rhetoric teacher in Gaza .

Several epideictic speeches from his writings have survived (funerary, praise and festive speeches ), which represent important sources for the church history of his time. There are also eleven practice speeches ( Greek  μελέται ) on mythical, historical and fictitious people. These practice speeches are teaching pieces for his students, which are preceded by short introductions ( θεωρίαι ).

Chorikios had a broad knowledge of classical literature . He enriched his speeches with numerous quotations and allusions and cultivated a special style: He avoided hiate and leaned on the Attic language . In the Byzantine period he was considered a model author because of his style.

Text editions and translations

  • Richard Foerster , Eberhard Richtsteig (eds.): Choricii Gazaei opera . Leipzig 1929. Reprint Stuttgart 1972
  • Fotios K. Litsas: Choricius of Gaza: An Approach to His Work. Introduction, translation, commentary . Chicago 1980 (dissertation)
  • Robert J. Penella (Ed.): Rhetorical Excercises from Late Antiquity. A Translation of Choricius of Gaza's Preliminary Talks and Declamations. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2009, ISBN 978-0-521-84873-2 (with appendix by Eugenio Amato: The fortune and reception of Choricius and of his works , pp. 261-302)


  • Georgios Makris : Chorikios. In: The New Pauly (DNP). Volume 2, Metzler, Stuttgart 1997, ISBN 3-476-01472-X , Sp. 1147 f.
  • Eugenio Amato, Lucie Thévenet, Gianluca Ventrella (eds.): Discorso pubblico e declamazione scolastica a Gaza nella tarda antichità: Coricio di Gaza e la sua opera: atti della giornata di studio, Nantes 6 giugno 2014 . Bari 2014
  • Elżbieta Szabat: Chorikios. In: Paweł Janiszewski, Krystyna Stebnicka, Elżbieta Szabat: Prosopography of Greek Rhetors and Sophists of the Roman Empire. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2015, ISBN 978-0-19-871340-1 , pp. 79 f.

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