Prokopios of Gaza

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Prokopios of Gaza (Latin Procopius ; * around 465 , † 528 ) was a late antique sophist and rhetorician .

Prokopios spent most of his life in his hometown of Gaza without taking part in the theological discussions of his time. Instead, he wrote rhetorical writings, including a panegyric on Emperor Anastasios I , a description of Hagia Sophia and a complaint about its partial destruction in an earthquake.

His 162 letters to mostly high-ranking personalities give an insight into his time and also into his own character. The polemic ascribed to him against the Neo-Platonist Proklos probably originates in truth from Nikolaos , the archbishop of Methone (12th century).

In addition, he wrote commentaries on books of the Old Testament , which are among the earliest examples of the so-called catenic commentaries .

The most important source for the life of Prokopios is his disciple Chorikios of Gaza .

Text output

  • Eugenio Amato (ed.): Procopius Gazaeus. Opuscula rhetorica et oratoria . Berlin and New York 2009
  • Eugenio Amato (ed.): Rose di Gaza. Gli scritti retorico-sofistici e le Epistole di Procopio di Gaza . Alessandria 2010 (Hellenica 35)
  • Eugenio Amato (ed.): Un discorso inedito di Procopio di Gaza: In Meletis et Antoninae nuptias . In: Revue des études tardo-antiques 1, 2011–2012, pp. 15–69
  • Aldo Corcella (ed.): Tre nuovi testi di Procopio di Gaza: una dialexis inedita e due monodie già attribuite a Coricio . In: Revue des études tardo-antiques 1, 2011–2012, pp. 1–14.
  • Antonio Garzya , Raymond-Joseph Loenertz (eds.): Procopii Gazaei Epistolae et Declamationes. Buch-Kunstverlag, Ettal 1963 (= Studia Patristica et Byzantina , 9).


Overview representations


  • Paul Friedländer : A late antique cycle of paintings in Gaza . Città del Vaticano 1939 (Studi e Testi 89)

Web links