Christian Efing

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Christian Efing (* 1976 ) is a German linguist and linguist .


Until 2001 he studied teaching secondary level I / II (German, French) and Magister (German philology, Romance philology, journalism and communication studies) at the WWU Münster . From 2002 to 2007 he was a research assistant and lecturer in the field of German linguistics at the Institute for Linguistics and Literature Studies at TU Darmstadt . After completing his doctorate in Darmstadt in 2004 , he was a substitute teacher and trainee teacher at the Bergstrasse school village from 2006 to 2007 . From 2007 to 2008 he represented the professorship for German Linguistics at the Institute for Linguistics and Literature Studies at TU Darmstadt. From 2008 to 2013 he was an academic advisor at the Institute for German Language and Literature and its Didactics at the PH Heidelberg . In 2013 he represented the professorship for German didactics with a focus on linguistics at the University of Erfurt . From 2013 to 2014 he taught German as a university professor for subject didactics with a focus on linguistics in Erfurt . Since 2014 he has been university professor for didactics of German language and literature (language didactics) at the University of Wuppertal . In 2015, he rejected calls for the W3 professorship in German didactics with a focus on linguistics at the University of Erfurt and for the W3 professorship in German language and its didactics at the PH Heidelberg. In 2019 he was offered the W3 professorship for Contemporary German Language at RWTH Aachen University .

His research interests are German language didactics, applied linguistics, language and communication in training and occupation, language needs assessment / requirement analysis, curriculum development, communicative competence, reading competence, diagnosis and promotion, language use in politics and variation linguistics of German (focus on special languages).

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