Christian Ferdinand von Reiboldt

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Christian Ferdinand von Reiboldt , also von Reibold , (died May 2, 1799 ) was an electoral Saxon governor of the Vogtland district , owner of a manor .


He came from the noble family of Reiboldt , which also includes the founder of Bad Reiboldsgrün belonged, and hit as many of his family members a management career in the service of Wettiner one. His highest function was that of the governor of the Vogtland district in the city of Plauen . He was supported by Leberecht Gottlob Metzsch auf Reichenbach and Christoph Wilhelm Ludwig Röder as governors.

He was a member of the Journalgesellschaft in Leipzig.

Coat of arms of the von Reipoldt ("Reupolt") in Johann Siebmacher's coat of arms book from 1605 (top row, second coat of arms from the right)

As the coat of arms and seal of his family, he carried the growing griffin in a shield divided into blue and silver .

In 1799 he was appointed by the owner of the Renneritz manor, Louise Amalie von Böltzig, née von Wuthenau, who was the owner of the Renneritz manor in the Amt Bitterfeld . At that time Christian Ferdinand von Reiboldt was living in Taltitz in the Saxon Vogtland . He died just a few weeks later on May 2, 1799. At that time, his three sons were still minors. These were Ferdinand von Reiboldt (born February 5, 1786), Karl Friedrich von Reiboldt (born February 5, 1790) and Heinrich August von Reiboldt (born November 30, 1793). The governor George Friedrich von Watzdorf was installed in Freiberg as the feudal guardian of these three underage siblings .

Ferdinand von Reiboldt became the royal Saxon secret finance councilor. In 1822 he bought Spremberg and Neu-Salza in 1822 from Auguste Charlotte von Schönberg . During his administration, with the introduction of the General City Code of February 7, 1833 in the Kingdom of Saxony, the prerogative of the landlord to appoint the mayor of the city of Neu-Salza ceased to exist. During his time, the patrimonial jurisdiction of Spremberg was transferred to the state by treaty on November 4, 1840.


  • Benno von Polenz: From an old parent book. Entries from the years 1772-1777: Christian Ferdinand von Reiboldt . With 6 illustrations. In: Communications of the Landesvereina Sächsischer Heimatschutz , Dresden, born in 1924, Volume XIII.

Individual evidence

  1. Panthion der Deutschen , 1795, p. XXXI
  2. Electoral Saxon Court and State Calendar , 1788, page 213.
  3. Leipziger Jahrbuch zur Buchgeschichte, Volume 13, 2004, p. 159.