Christian Müller (Major)

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Christian Müller (* 1775 in Bludenz , † 1851 in Preßburg ) was a landlord, freedom fighter and Austrian major rifle in the Vorarlberg uprising .

As the only son of a citizen of Bludenz, Müller became an Adler innkeeper in his hometown.

Vorarlberg popular uprising

Vorarlberg riflemen march into Bregenz (1809)

In the war between Austria and France in 1809, voluntary rifle companies from the Vorarlberger Oberland and 3,000 men from the estates also joined the Austrian troops . The Vorarlbergers were primarily concerned with the solution from the Bavarian foreign rule.

Anton Schneider , State Commissioner of Vorarlberg, the shooting majors Bernhard Riedmiller and Christian Müller from Bludenz as well as the head of Brederis , Siegmund Nachbauer were among the leaders. Today, like Andreas Hofer, you are considered a martyr of freedom - but this is not without controversy. In contrast to the state commissioner Anton Schneider, the Bludenzer were part of the hard core of the rebels.

Emperor Franz II commissioned Major Müller to travel to England with a Tyrolean representative in order to get financial support for the Tyrolean and Vorarlberg defenders. However, the survey collapsed again in July of the same year.

When Müller returned to Vienna from England, he learned that Vorarlberg had to submit, that he himself was facing the death penalty and that his wife and three children had to flee. In 1827 he moved to Pressburg, where he died in 1851.


Web links

Individual references, comments

  1. see web link about the popular uprising of 1809
  2. see web link about Bernhard Riedmiller