Christiane Völling

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Christiane Völling (born April 17, 1959 in the Niederrhein region ) is a German intersex activist and author. She sued a surgeon for having her sex organs removed without her consent, and in May 2011 became the first intersex person in the world to have such a lawsuit upheld by a court.


Völling was born intersex in 1959. She developed male sexual characteristics because she had an adrenogenital syndrome with salt loss . She was assigned to the male sex by doctors at birth and grew up with the first name Thomas. During puberty, she also developed secondary male-read sexual characteristics, upon examination doctors found that she had a uterus , fallopian tubes, and ovaries . Another examination in December 1976 found that she had XX chromosomes. When she was 18, on August 12, 1977, a doctor had surgery to remove all of her internal female genital organs. It was only in 2006, 29 years after the operation, that she found out from hospital files that these organs had been removed. She had her civil status entry changed at the registration office and took the first name Christiane.

In 2011, she won a lawsuit against her former surgeon in the Cologne Regional Court with damages of 100,000 euros for failing to inform her that her female anatomy would be removed and because the records of the operation in no way suggested that such an operation was for health reasons would have been necessary. Her case had a signal effect for intersex people in Germany and was an important event for the intersex movement.


  • together with Britta Julia: I was a man and a woman: my life as an intersex person. Torch bearer, Cologne 2010, ISBN 978-3-7716-4455-0 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Anne Allex (Ed.): Stop Trans * -Pathologisierung 2012: Berlin contributions to an international campaign . Association for the Promotion of Social Policy Work, Neu-Ulm 2013, ISBN 978-3-940865-36-6 , p. 97 .
  2. Annika Peter: Intersexuality in Public Discourse: A Critical Discourse Analysis Using the Example of the “Hybrid Process” in the Print Media . Diplomica, Hamburg 2015, ISBN 978-3-95934-631-3 , p. 40 ( side view in Google Book search).
  3. Book review by Anja Gregor: In Doubt for Doubt ... In: October 4, 2011, accessed October 13, 2019.
  4. a b International Legal Commission : Chapter six: Intersex. In: 2018, Retrieved October 13, 2019 (American English).
  5. International Legal Commission : In re Völling, Regional Court Cologne, Germany (6 February 2008) - Procedural Posture. In: 2018, Retrieved October 13, 2019 (American English).
  6. Luise Strothmann: Fate of an Intersexual: Every blouse a moon landing. In: April 22, 2011, accessed October 13, 2019 .