Christiane Yared

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Christiane Yared on the Human Rights Committee of the Chamber of Deputies.

Christiane de Souza Yared (born February 23, 1960 in Curitiba , Paraná ) is a Brazilian pastor , entrepreneur and politician of the PL . She has been a member of the Chamber of Deputies for the state of Paraná since 2015 .


She was born in 1960 as the daughter of Althair Costa Souza and Sulamite Souza in Curitiba , the capital of Paraná . She studied piano at the Escola de Música e Belas Artes do Paraná and then became an entrepreneur in the food industry. After her son died in May 2009 in a car accident in which State MP Fernando Ribas Carli Filho was involved, Yared campaigned for road safety . She founded the Instituto Paz no Trânsito, which runs awareness-raising campaigns and supports those who have lost loved ones in car accidents.

In the 2014 election , Yared was elected member of the 55th legislative period (2015 to 2019) for the Partido Trabhalista Nacional in the state of Paraná with 200,144 votes . In the 2018 election she was elected to the 56th legislative period (2019 to 2023) with 107,636 votes.

In March 2016, Yared changed sides and joined the Partido da República (PR, now PL). On April 17, 2016, she voted to initiate impeachment proceedings against the then President Dilma Rousseff . Under the Temer government , she voted for the PEC do Teto dos Gastos Públicos , a constitutional amendment to introduce a new tax law. In April 2017 she voted against the 2017 labor market reform . On August 2, 2017, she voted for the admission of the bribery lawsuit against then President Michel Temer .

In addition to her political career, Yared worked as a teacher and entrepreneur. She is also pastor of the Pentecostal church Catedral do Reino de Deus in Curitiba.

Web links

Commons : Christiane Yared  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Narley Resende: 'Nem de esquerda, nem direita', diz Christiane Yared, de olho no Senado. In: Bem Paraná. May 8, 2018, accessed April 19, 2020 (Brazilian Portuguese).
  2. ^ Rosmary Mariano: Carli Filho bebeu, correu, matou dois. Júri popular marcado e adiado! In: Não Foi Acidente. January 30, 2013, accessed April 19, 2020 (Brazilian Portuguese).
  3. Pais que perderam filhos no trânsito realizam Projetos de mobilização social. ABRAMET - Associação Brasileira de Medicina de Tráfego, archived from the original on October 14, 2014 ; Retrieved April 19, 2020 (Brazilian Portuguese).
  4. Christiane Yared 1900 - (Posição) 1º - (Votos) 200.144 (3.53% dos votos válidos). In: Eleições 2014. Retrieved April 22, 2020 (Brazilian Portuguese).
  5. Eleições 2018. In: Gazeta do Povo. November 13, 2018. Retrieved June 18, 2019 (Brazilian Portuguese).
  6. ^ Christiane Yared se filia ao PR. In: Bem Paraná. Archived from the original on March 9, 2016 ; accessed on April 22, 2020 (Portuguese).
  7. Deputados autorizam impeachment de Dilma, saiba quem votou a favor e contra. EBC, April 17, 2016, accessed May 5, 2016 (Portuguese).
  8. a b c G1: Veja como deputados votaram no impeachment de Dilma, na PEC 241, na reforma trabalhista e na denúncia contra Temer. August 2, 2017. Retrieved October 11, 2017 (Portuguese).
  9. Reforma Trabalhista: como os votaram Deputados. April 27, 2017. Retrieved September 18, 2017 (Portuguese).
  10. denuncia contra Temer: 16 paranaenses votam a favor de Temer; 3 faltam à sessão. In: Gazeta do Povo. August 2, 2017. Retrieved August 2, 2017 (Portuguese).
  11. José Carlos Fernandes: O ano em que Cristiane Yared foi às ruas. In: Gazeta do Povo. December 19, 2009, accessed March 15, 2019 (Brazilian Portuguese).