Christof Ludwig Knoll

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Knoll in American internment. Photo from 1945.
Christof Knoll during his testimony in the main Dachau trial on December 7, 1945

Christof Ludwig Knoll (born April 20, 1895 - † May 29, 1946 in Landsberg am Lech ) was a prisoner functionary in the Dachau concentration camp .


Knoll, divorced and the father of two children, was a political prisoner in the Dachau concentration camp from September 1933 to the end of April 1945. He later stated that he was sent to the Dachau concentration camp as a communist. Initially, Knoll was employed as a prisoner tailor and between 1938 and 1939 he acted as chief kapo on the “plantation”, where medicinal herbs were planted. From February 1941 he was employed as block elder in the barracks for Jewish prisoners and also in the punishment block. There he was feared because of his brutality, as he killed several prisoners. From July 1944 he was Kapo in the Karlsfeld satellite camp and was transferred from there to the Mühldorf satellite camp.

“The floor is polished, we weren't allowed into the room with our shoes on. The Knoll suddenly yelled: Come on, punish the yard! And the room attendant hit with the clubs, and we had to run fast [...] and so you ran out barefoot and were full of dirt. And then you came back and of course filthed the whole thing [...] licking! So we lick the feces with our tongues. And they beat up and some people were killed in the process. That was this Knoll dressage. "

After his arrest, Knoll was indicted as a war criminal by a US military court on November 15, 1945 in the main Dachau trial, which took place as part of the Dachau trials , and sentenced to death by hanging on December 13, 1945 along with 35 other co-defendants . A large number of serious abuse and the killing of prisoners by Knoll were taken into account as excesses in the verdict. The sentence was carried out on May 29, 1946 in the Landsberg War Crimes Prison .


  • Case No. 000-50-2 (US vs. Martin Gottfried Weiss et al.) Tried 13 Dec. 45 in tight. Language (PDF file; 40.9 MB)
  • Comité Internationale de Dachau; Barbara Distel, Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial (Ed.): Dachau Concentration Camp 1933 to 1945 - Text and image documents for the exhibition, Munich 2005, ISBN 3-87490-750-3
  • Holger Lessing: The first Dachau trial (1945/46). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden 1993, ISBN 3-7890-2933-5

Individual evidence

  1. Case No. 000-50-2 (US vs. Martin Gottfried Weiss et al.) Tried 13 Dec. 45
  2. Functional prisoner Christof Knoll (PDF; 372 kB)
  3. ^ Report from the former prisoner Erich Kulka , quoted from: Comite Internationale de Dachau; Barbara Distel, Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial (ed.): Dachau Concentration Camp 1933 to 1945 - Text and image documents for the exhibition, Munich 2005, p. 150.
  4. Case No. 000-50-2 (US vs. Martin Gottfried Weiss et al.) Tried 13 Dec. 45