Christoph Meissner

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Christoph Meißner (born October 1, 1703 in Altenberg ; † June 20, 1780 in Dresden ) was a German teacher and chronicler .

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Meißner was the eldest son of the miner of the same name (1675–1743), most recently Obersteigers in the Zwitterstock Altenberg and Dorothea geb. Assmann. After his childhood years in Altenberg , he attended the Kreuzschule in Dresden and in 1724 began studying philosophy and theology at the University of Leipzig . In 1734 he got a job as a Regens Alumnorum (boy educator) at the Dresden Kreuzschule and became a teacher there in 1738. Meißner taught until he was 75 until 1777 and died 2½ years later.

In his spare time Meißner wrote numerous works on various topics, several of which appeared in print (mostly funeral sermons and Latin school texts). One of the most important is the chronicle of his hometown Altenberg, published in 1747.


  • Cumbersome message from the Churfl. Saxon. Schrifftsäßigen freyen Zien-Berg-Stadt Altenberg, located in Meissen on the Bohemian border, together with the associated diplomatic bus, and an appendix [...] , Dresden and Leipzig, Lesch and Hübner, 1747. ( Digitized (pdf, 37.2 MB) )