Christ Church (Nysa)

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Christ Church in Neisse

The Christ Church is an Evangelical Lutheran house of worship in Neisse ( Polish: Nysa ).


Side view
Entrance portal

The church was originally built as a Catholic Saint Barbara Church with a foundation from the Wroclaw Bishop Johann III. Romka erected. The church attached to the city wall was first mentioned in 1341 and initially served as the hospital chapel of the St. Barbara Hospital.

After the fire in 1542, it was rebuilt in the early Renaissance style in 1544, expanded in 1550 by Bishop Balthasar von Promnitz and redesigned in the Baroque style after it was taken over by the Franciscan Order in 1732 .

In 1812 the Protestant community took over the church, which was now dedicated to Christ. All elements of the Catholic cult of saints were subsequently removed. In 1818 the Protestant congregation Neisse was founded. a. Soldiers of the fortress there with their families belonged.

After the war damage in 1945, the church was rebuilt. It is a branch church of the Evangelical-Augsburg parish in Brieg (Polish: Brzeg ) and is also used by the Pentecostal church and the Seventh-day Adventists .

The church was registered on June 3, 1964 under 937/64 in the register of architectural monuments of the Opole Voivodeship.

Web links

Commons : Christ Church (Nysa)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  • Marek Sikorski: Nysa. Skarby sztuki i osobliwości (Neisse - art treasures and sights). Silesiapress, 1999, ISBN 83-909213-0-8 .
  • J. Daniel, I. Zielonka: Nysa-przystanek wędrowca (Neisse - a hiker's stop). Advertisement , 2004, ISBN 83-912169-1-8 .
  • Catalog zabytków sztuki w Polsce (Catalog of Art Treasures in Poland), t. VII, Województwo opolskie, z. 9, Powiat nyski, Warszawa 1963.

Individual evidence


Coordinates: 50 ° 28 ′ 33 "  N , 17 ° 20 ′ 9.5"  E