Chronica principum Poloniae

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The Chronica principum Poloniae , ( German Chronicle of the Princes of Poland ; Polish Kronika książąt polskich ) was compiled in Silesia in the years 1382-1386 . The author is Peter von Pitschen ( Piotr z Byczyny 1328–1389), canon at the Brieger Kollegiatstift St. Hedwig. []


The work depicts the story from the legendary beginnings of Poland to the present of the chronicler. It is thematically divided into two parts: the first depicts the secular rule of the Piasts , the second the story of the Episcopatus Vratislaviae ( Diocese of Wratislaw / Breslau ).

Despite the Treaty of Trenčín concluded in 1335 between the Polish King Casimir the Great and the Bohemian King John of Luxembourg , which was confirmed again in the Treaty of Namslau in 1348 by the Bohemian King Charles IV and the Polish King Casimir the Great, the author emphasized Chronicle of the historical affiliation of Silesia to Poland and of the Silesian nobility to the Polish nobility.

Earlier Polish Chronicles

  • The "Cronica et gesta ducum sive principum Polonorum", also short " Gesta principum Polonorum " ("Deeds of the Princes of the Poles"), was created between 1112 and 1118 in the reign of Bolesław III. Wrymouth . There are various hypotheses about the origin of the author, traditionally referred to as Gallus Anonymus . The only thing that is certain is that he did not come from Poland.


  • Jan Dąbrowski: Dawne dziejopisarstwo polskie (do roku 1480) . Breslau 1964 (Polish).
  • Roman Heck: Kronika książąt polskich - metoda prezentacji dziejów . In: Krystyna Gajda (ed.): Dawna historiografia śląska. Materiały z sesji naukowej odbytej w Brzegu w dniach 26–27 listopada 1977 r. Opole 1980 (Polish).
  • Węclewski Z .: Kronika książąt polskich . In: Monumenta Poloniae Historica . tape 3 . Lemberg 1878, p. 423-428 (Polish).

Web links


  1. German biography
  2. ^ Eduard Mühle: Cronicae et gesta ducum sive principum Polonorum. New research on the so-called Gallus Anonymous . In: German Archive for Research into the Middle Ages, Vol. 65 (2009), pp. 459–496, here: p. 464.