Chrysops flavipes

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Chrysops flavipes
Chrysops flavipes.jpg

Chrysops flavipes

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Fly (Diptera)
Subordination : Flies (Brachycera)
Family : Horseflies (Tabanidae)
Genre : Chrysops
Type : Chrysops flavipes
Scientific name
Chrysops flavipes
Meigen , 1804

Chrysops flavipes is a fly from the family of brakes (Tabanidae).


The flies reach a body length of 6 to 11 millimeters. It looks very similar to the golden eye fly ( Chrysops relictus ). The mesonotum and scutellum are also shiny black with brown-yellow hair, the pleura have black stripes of hair. The abdomen is also colored very similarly. The top of the tergite is light yellow with black spots or black with light yellow triangles. The transparent wings are colored like a mosaic with brown spots.

Chrysops flavipes differs from the similar species by a light spot on the discoidal cell of the wings and a dark tip spot that overlaps the wing vein R4 less than half its length. In the males, the compound eyes are very close together, but do not collide. The females have a broad, oval frontal callus. Your third antennae is black, the label is gray-green and has a black gloss in the middle. The first tergite on the abdomen bears a black, wedge-shaped cut out at the back, the second tergite bears two wedge-shaped spots that converge at the front. Such spots are also found on the third and fourth tergite, but they do not meet there.

Occurrence and way of life

The species is distributed from south-western Europe across North Africa to Central Asia.

supporting documents


  • Joachim Haupt, Hiroko Haupt: Flies and Mosquitoes. Observation, way of life . 1st edition. Naturbuch-Verlag, Jena and Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 3-89440-278-4 .