Città militare della Cecchignola

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The Città militare della Cecchignola , German  "military town Cecchignola" , is a large barracks of the Italian army in the south of Rome . It is named after the Cecchignola district , where it was originally built. Today it belongs to the Giuliano-Dalmata district .

There are a number of army departments, associations and schools on the site. It is of international importance as the location of the NATO Defense College .


1936 decided the fascist government of Benito Mussolini , in 1942 in Rome, a World's Fair align ( Esposizione Universale di Roma ) . For the monumental buildings planned in the south of the city (in what is now the Europa or EUR district) it became necessary to build accommodation for construction workers. On today's Via Oscar Sinigaglia , about halfway between the EUR and today's Città militare , the barrack-like Villaggio Operaio was built in 1938 for around 1,500 workers, which was later to serve as visitor accommodation. At the same time, construction of the first barracks began southeast of it. Today, the entire area can be clearly demarcated using the street names, which mostly have military references.

During the course of the Second World War , both the Villaggio Operaio and the Città Militare housed first Italian, then German and finally Allied troops. After the war, the “workers' village” served as emergency shelter for Italian expellees and refugees from Venezia Giulia and Dalmatia , until later new settlements were built for them, from which today's district of Giuliano-Dalmata emerged . The area around the workers' settlement was given up by the Italian military, who gradually expanded the military town and established more and more commandos, offices, schools and associations as well as a military museum there. Today the military town of Cecchignola is one of the largest barracks in Italy. There are among others:

  • the Army Pioneer School
  • the telecommunications and computer science school of the army
  • the logistics school of the army
  • the army medical school
  • the 6th Engineer Regiment
  • the 44th Command Support Regiment
  • the 8th transport regiment
  • a site support regiment
  • an administration and supply center for the army
  • a sports center
  • a C⁴ISR unit of the General Staff of the Armed Forces
  • the Logistics Training Center of the Armed Forces Command Academy
  • Organizational units of the Ministry of Defense (Palazzo Messe)

The NATO Defense College moved from Paris to Rome after France left the military structure of NATO in 1966 . Since 1999 it has been in a new building in the military town of Cecchignola.

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Coordinates: 41 ° 48 ′ 32 "  N , 12 ° 29 ′ 34.4"  E