Claude-Charles Pierquin

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Claude-Charles Pierquin ( lithograph by A. Legran)

Claude-Charles Pierquin de Gembloux (born December 26, 1798 in Brussels , † September 11, 1863 in Paris ) was a French doctor, polygraph, Romance philologist and dialectologist.


Pierquin earned his doctorate in medicine at the University of Montpellier in 1821 with the thesis Recherches sur l'hémacélinose and was a doctor in Paris from 1820 to 1830. From 1830 to 1849 he was the inspector of education in the Grenoble and Bourges counties .

Pierquin was one of the many-sidedly interested liberal intellectuals of the Romantic era who were interested in the regional history and the history of the language of their country. He represented in his work Histoire littéraire, philologique et bibliographique des patois, et de l'utilité de leur étude [Literary, philological and bibliographical history of the dialects] (Paris 1841, 1858), which testifies to the considerable academic literacy that was necessary for the then A remarkable thesis: No history of French without a precise knowledge of the patois , understood as all other languages ​​and dialects spoken on French soil, especially Provençal ! It was in contrast to the official assessment of the dialects as despicable and to be exterminated, an attitude that the French Revolution had seamlessly adopted from the Ancien Régime. He mentions Mary-Lafon among the proofreaders of his manuscript (p. 159).

Pierquin, inspired by JF Schnakenburg, had the Tableau synoptique et comparatif des idiomes populaires ou patois de la France (Brussels / Berlin 1840), a French linguistic atlas he wanted to call "Langatlas (or Languatlas) idiomographique". This was not tackled until 50 years later.

Pierquin's historical and philological studies of the Cher department have recently been reissued.


  • Notices historiques, archéologiques et philologiques sur Bourges et le département du Cher. Bourges 1840, Marseille 1975, Péronnas 1997.
  • Idiomologie des animaux ou recherches historiques, anatomiques, physiologiques, philologiques, et glossologiques sur le langage des bêtes. Paris 1844 ( dedicated to animal language , including the monkey glossary ("glossaire-ouistiti")).
  • Histoire littéraire, philologique et bibliographique des patois, et de l'utilité de leur étude. Paris 1841, 1858 ( online ).
  • (with C. Lecointe): Radicologie de la langue française, ou Unique méthode d'avoir en peu de temps l'intelligence et l'orthographe véritable des mots. Paris 1845.
  • Bibliography basque. Paris 1858 ( Basque language ).


  • Pierre Larousse: Grand Dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle. 12, 1874, p. 974.
  • JF Schnakenburg: Tableau synoptique et comparatif des idiomes populaires ou patois de la France. Brussels / Berlin 1840 ( online ).

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