Claude Paillard

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Claude Paillard (born May 7, 1923 in Zurich ; † July 8, 2004 there ; entitled to live in Sainte-Croix VD ) was a Swiss architect .

life and career

After studying architecture at the ETH Zurich with Friedrich Hess, William Dunkel and Hans Hofmann , Paillard founded the architecture office CJP Cramer + Jaray + Paillard in 1947 with former classmates , which he ran until 1966. From 1981 Paillard worked with Peter Leemann, who had already worked at CJP from 1962 , Robert and Gaby Bass and Werner Rafflenbeul, which led to the founding of Paillard, Leemann and Partner AG in 1987 .

Paillard's most famous building is probably the St. Gallen Theater , built between 1961–68 , whose design is characterized by the consistent use of the regular hexagon and thus 60 ° angles. As a result, Paillard received numerous invitations to tender at home and abroad. His theater buildings, however, met with a mixed response from the public. During the election campaign, the St. Gallen Theater was called an “ugly concrete block”, and the extension of the Zurich Opera House built between 1982 and 1984 with the new Bernhard Theater was nicknamed “Meat Cheese” by the population because of the pink-colored concrete. .

In addition to the theaters Paillards particularly the engineering school of Yverdon-les-Bains (1975) and completed in the years 1979-97 Operation Center in Zurich Airport to mention.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Biographical data of Claude Paillard in: Werk / Oeuvre , Volume 46, issues 1-6, 1959, page lxxi