Werner Jaray

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Werner Jaray (born September 15, 1920 in Friedrichshafen , † February 2, 2002 in Zurich ) was an Austrian - Swiss architect and university professor .


Werner Jaray was born as the son of the engineer Paul Jaray and his wife Olga, b. Jehle, born. In 1923 the family moved to Switzerland, where he received citizenship in 1939. After finishing school, Jaray completed an apprenticeship as a reinforced concrete draftsman in Lucerne and studied architecture at the ETH Zurich from 1942 to 1946 . In 1947 he founded the CJP office with the architects Fred Cramer and Claude Paillard . From 1957 to 1965 Jaray was a teacher at the Technikum in Winterthur, since 1965 associate professor and from 1967 to 1985 professor at the ETH Zurich.



  • 1955 Award for good buildings from the city of Zurich for the Chriesiweg Pavilion School

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.e-periodica.ch/digbib/view?var=true&pid=wbw-002:1955:42::182#183
  2. https://www.stadt-zuerich.ch/schulen/de/chriesiweg/ueberuns/portrait/geschichte.html
  3. http://www.e-periodica.ch/digbib/view?var=true&pid=woh-002:1959:34::789#361
  4. http://www.e-periodica.ch/digbib/view?var=true&pid=wbw-002:1965:52::2655#1372
  5. http://www.e-periodica.ch/digbib/view?var=true&pid=wbw-002:1967:54::264#265