Claudia Koppert

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Claudia Koppert (* 1958 in Heidelberg ) is a German political journalist and writer .


After graduating from high school in 1977, Claudia Koppert studied social work at the University of Applied Sciences at the Rehabilitation Foundation in Heidelberg until 1981. She then worked as a publishing editor, initially in Heidelberg and from 1984 to 1987 in Berlin at the Orlanda Frauenverlag (today: Orlanda Verlag ). In 1988 she moved to the area around Bremen ; Today she lives and works in Stapel in the Horstedt community as a freelance journalist and non-fiction editor .

Claudia Koppert was a lecturer at the Technical University of Berlin in the Department of Education from 1992 to 1999 . She is an author and publisher of books on political issues, occasionally publishes for newspapers, publishes essays, lectures and researches local history. Her debut novel was published by Antje Kunstmann .



  • Commons path. Novel. Verlag Antje Kunstmann, Munich 2003, ISBN 3-88897-321-X .
  • Mysterious whereabouts of a swineherd. (1693 playing crime story), In: Kulturinitiative Sottrum: 800 years of crime fever Sottrum. Kulturinitiative eV, Sottrum 2005, ISBN 3-9810466-4-1 .
  • SISTERHOOD - a longing. Novel. BoD. 2014, ISBN 978-3-7357-2537-0 .


  • Stack. Forays into the past and present of a Geest village. Horstedt community. Horstedt 2007, ISBN 978-3-00-020848-5 .

(Co-) editorial board and co-author:

  • with Beate Selders (Ed.): Hand on the deconstructed heart. Attempts at reaching understanding in times of the political-theoretical self-abolition of women. Ulrike Helmer Verlag, Königstein / Taunus 2003, ISBN 3-89741-120-2 .
  • Happiness, everyday life and disaster. About women working together. Orlanda Frauenverlag, Berlin 1993, ISBN 3-922166-99-7 .

Articles, essays and essays (selection):

  • City, country, booze. In: taz-Nord. June 19, 2006. (in a series about life and writing in the northern German provinces) Article in taz Nord
  • Newspaper in the village. In: B. Häusler, J. Roth (Ed.): Extrablatt. Receive exquisite. Thinkers and poets about reading newspapers. taz Verlag, Berlin 2005, pp. 175–179. Article in taz Nord
  • No recognition without a difference. About the difficulties of developing new forms of cooperation in feminist contexts. In: alaska. No. 245, Bremen 2004, pp. 8-11.
  • Is the lesbian still a weapon? Comment on the campaign against Annette Schavan. In: EMMA. Jan./Feb. 2005, Cologne, p. 22. Article in EMMA
  • Sisterhood kills. In: EMMA. Sept./Oct. 2005, Cologne, pp. 86-89. Article in EMMA
  • Identity and Liberation - the contradictions of the collective we. In: Andreas Foitzek, Athanasios Marvakis (ed.): Tarzan - what now? International solidarity in the jungle of contradictions. Verlag Libertäre Assoziation, Hamburg 1997, ISBN 3-922611-67-2 , pp. 95-108. Text in anthology
  • Emancipation brand west light. Cooperation, competition, isolation. In: contributions to feminist theory and practice. No. 43/44 (1996), ISSN  0722-0189 , pp. 165-176. Text in contributions 43/44/1996
  • Identity and Liberation. An interim political balance sheet. In: contributions to feminist theory and practice. No. 42 (1996), ISSN  0722-0189 , pp. 113-125. Text in contributions 42/1996
  • Anti-Semitism - the return of the repressed? In: Congress documentation Women against Nationalism - Racism / Anti-Semitism - Sexism. Association of Social Science Research and Practice eV, Cologne 1991, pp. 32–40.
  • Guilt and Feelings of Guilt in Western Post-War Germany: On the Effectiveness of the Past in the Present. In: contributions to feminist theory and practice. No. 30/31 (1991), ISSN  0722-0189 , pp. 217-230. Text in contributions 30/31/1991
  • German, white, Christian: how do we live with it? On the morality of the demoralized. In: contributions to feminist theory and practice. No. 28 (1990), ISSN  0722-0189 , pp. 45-58. Text in contributions 28/1990

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