Claudio Malaponti

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Claudio Malaponti (* 1968 in Milan ) is an Italian film director and screenwriter .


Malaponti studied "DAMS" in Bologna ; afterwards in 1992 he was a student at the "Scuola di Cinema del Comune" in Milan. In the same year he presented the medium-length film Racconti di fine secolo , which was even sold abroad. In New York City the "Ipotesi Cinema" was the next stop of his training; in the US he also made a short film, Lonely , which won an award at the Albany Film Festival . Work as a director for the second staff and for advertising followed. Back in Italy, he founded the Malaponti production company "Artika Motion Pictures", with which he made several short films. In 1996 he shot the short Il perfezionista about a killer who kills a doll; After further short film projects, he made his cinema debut in 1999 with La grande Prugna . 2007 followed 7 km da Gerusalemme based on the novel by Pino Farinotti .

Filmography (selection)

  • 1999: La grande Prugna
  • 2007: 7 km from Gerusalemme

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. ^ Roberto Poppi: Dizionario del cinema italiano. I registers. Gremese Editore, Rome 2002, p. 258