Claudio Matte Pérez

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Claudio Matte Pérez

Claudio Alejandro Lázaro Matte Pérez (born December 18, 1858 in Santiago de Chile ; † December 22, 1956 ibid) was a Chilean politician of the Partido Liberal , who was briefly foreign minister in 1895, among other things.


Claudio Matte came from the influential Matte family of industrialists and politicians and was one of sixteen children of Domingo Matte Messía , who was a member of the Chamber of Deputies from 1846 to 1849 and from 1852 to 1858, and in 1855 the bank Banco Matte y Cía in Valparaíso . opened and was also a senator between 1873 and 1882. His brothers included Augusto Matte Pérez , who was finance minister between 1877 and 1878 and again from 1879 to 1880 and briefly foreign minister in 1888, Eduardo Matte Pérez , who was also foreign minister in 1889 and interior minister in 1892, and Ricardo Matte Pérez , interior minister in 1903 and from 1911 to 1912 was President of the Senate.

He first studied humanities at the Instituto Nacional, Literario, Civil y Eclesiástico del Estado de Chile and then studied law at the Universidad de Chile . After completing his studies in economics and finance in Europe, he started working as a lawyer on December 21, 1879 . In 1888 he became President of the Fine Arts Commission and, in 1889, President of the Society for Primary Education (Sociedad de instrucción Primaria) , a position held by his older brother Augusto Matte Pérez in 1884. In 1891 he acted as a representative of the Chilean government in the German Empire in Berlin and after his return in 1892 he became an academic member of the Faculty of Philosophy, Humanities and Fine Arts of the Universidad de Chile. In 1892 he was also again president of the Sociedad de instrucción Primaria and held this position for 64 years until his death in 1956.

In 1894 he was elected as a candidate for the Partido Liberal member of the Chamber of Deputies (Cámara de Diputados) and was a member of this until 1897 as a representative of the province of Llanquihue, the city of Carelmapu and the province of Osorno. On August 1, 1895, he was appointed Foreign Minister, Minister of Cults and Colonization (Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Culto y Colonización) by President Jorge Montt Álvarez and held this ministerial office until November 24, 1895. He became Vice President of the Consejo de Investigación Primaria in 1920 and President of the Sociedad La Renta Urbana in 1923 .

In 1926 Matte Pérez succeeded the engineer Francisco Mardones Otaíza as rector of the Universidad de Chile and held this position until he was replaced by the ophthalmologist Carlos Charlín Correa in 1927.

Web links

  • Entry in Historia Política Legislativa del Congreso Nacional de Chile
  • Entry in
predecessor Office successor
Adolfo Guerrero Vergara Foreign Minister of Chile
August 1, 1895–24. November 1895
Enrique de Putrón Cavareda