Claudius poplin

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Claudius poplin

Claudius Marcel Popelin (* 1825 in Paris ; † 1892 ibid) was a French writer , history and portrait painter and enameller .


Poplin was initially trained in painting by François-Édouard Picot and Ary Scheffer before he turned to literature.

As a poet, he can be assigned to the Parnassian people .

Popelin made the acquaintance of the sculptor Alfred Émilien de Nieuwerkerke when he and his lover, Mathilde Lätitia Wilhelmine Bonaparte, settled in Paris. The two separated around 1869 and four years later Popelin married Princess Mathilde.


  • Pierre de Bouchaud: Claudius Poplin. Peintre, émailleur et poète . Lemerre, Paris 1894.
  • Lucien Falize: Claudius Popelin et la renaissance de émaux peints . Gazette des Beaux-Arts , Paris 1893.

Web links

Wikisource: Claudius Popelin  - Sources and full texts (French)