Claudius Tanski

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Claudius Tanski (* 1959 in Essen ) is a German pianist and university professor.


Tanski studied already during his school days at the Folkwang School in Essen (Prof. Georg Stieglitz) and then moved to the Mozarteum in Salzburg ( Hans Leygraf ), then to Vienna (Heinz Medjimorec) and later to London, where he at Alfred Brendel studied .

He has won a number of prizes and awards and has performed at international music festivals.

Tanski undertook concert tours through Europe, the USA, South America, India, Iran, Japan and Southeast Asia. As a piano soloist he performed a. a. under István Dénes, George Hanson, Juri Temirkanow , Martin Sieghart , David Stern and Heinz Wallberg .

In the field of chamber music, Tanski played with Clemens Hagen , Boris Pergamenschikow , Benjamin Schmid , Frank Peter Zimmermann and Tabea Zimmermann . He was also the accompanist for Rita Streich and Eva Lind .

Tanski works as a professor for piano at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg.

After a long marriage, after a personal encounter with Joseph Ratzinger, he converted from the Baptists to Catholicism and moved to the monastery of the Archabbey of St. Peter .

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