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The clove or nail was an English measure of weight and was primarily used for wool .


  • 1 clove = ½ stone = 7 pounds of avoirdupois = 3126 4/5 grams (or 3.17475 kilograms )
  • 4 cloves (quarters) = 1 death
  • 26 Cloves = 1 Wey
  • 52 cloves = 1 sack
  • 624 cloves = 1 load / load

Other goods

Values ​​for butter and cheese

  • 1 clove = 8 pounds of avoirdupois

Note: Nail was also a Dutch weight measure of 2812 ½ grams


  • Society of learned and practical merchants: General encyclopedia for merchants and manufacturers as well as for businessmen in general: or, Complete dictionary. Verlag Otto Wigand, Leipzig 1838, p. 242

Individual evidence

  1. ^ GH Andrews, MH Schilling: Modern English Agriculture. B. Fr. Voigt, Weimar 1855, p. 403.