Clovis Trouille

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Camille Clovis Trouille (born October 24, 1889 in La Fère , † September 24, 1975 in Paris ) was a French Sunday painter , restorer and decorator of mannequins . He attended the École des Beaux-Arts from 1905 to 1910.


  • His military service in the First World War severely traumatized him, which he expressed in his first major work (memories) Remembrance (1931). The work shows on the left a pair of ghostly soldiers holding white rabbits and a flying serpent woman throwing a handful of medals. The scene is rounded off on the right by a cardinal in women's clothes.
  • This contempt for the church as a corrupt institution was Trouille's inspiration for decades for “pictorial blasphemies” such as Dialog im Carmel (1944), which shows a skull with an ornamental crown of thorns.
  • The mummy shows a mummified woman who is brought to life by a beam of light falling on a bust of André Breton .
  • The Magician (1944) is a self-portrait in which he pleases a group of unconscious women with a flick of his wand.
  • Mein Grab (1947) shows Trouille's grave as a focal point of corruption and depravity in the cemetery.
  • Trouille's second theme was sexuality, such as in luxury or the dreaming of the Marquis de Sade (1959) as a portrait of the Marquis de Sade , who sits in the foreground in front of a landscape peppered with various perversions.
  • He called his portrait of a lying naked woman (shown from behind) Oh! Calcutta! Calcutta! which is a French play on words: the French sentence oh quel cul t'as means something like "oh what a beautiful butt you have".


After his work was noticed by Louis Aragon and Salvador Dalí , André Breton called Trouille a surrealist . Trouille only accepted this designation in order to gain popularity, as he never had great sympathy for the surrealist movement.

The simple style and bright colors in Trouille's works are reminiscent of the advertising lithographs from the first half of the 20th century.


  • Clovis Prévost: Parcours à travers l'œuvre de Clovis Trouille 1889–1975 , Actes Sud - Edition Bernard Légier ', ISBN 2-7427-4476-2
  • Clovis Trouille , editor: Jean-Jacques Pauvert.
  • Trouille, Clovis: Correspondance à Maurice Rapin , ISBN 2-87396-047-7
  • de Clovis Trouille, Gérard Lattier: Correspondances , ISBN 2-74274-934-9
  • Fabrice Flahutez, Sylvie Couderc, Clovis Trouille: Un peintre libre et iconoclaste , éd. Musée de Picardie / Amiens Métropôple, 2007. ISBN 978-2-908095-37-1

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