Codex Mosquensis I

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New Testament manuscripts
Uncial 018
Codex Mosquensis K 018.JPG
Codex Mosquensis
Surname Mosquensis
character K ap
text Acts of the Apostles , Pauline letters
language Greek
date 9th century
Storage location Moscow State Historical Museum
size 33.5 x 24.2 cm
Type Byzantine text type
category V

The Codex Mosquensis I ( Gregory-Aland no. K ap or 018 ) is a Greek manuscript of the New Testament that is dated to the 9th century. The handwriting is incomplete.


The manuscript consists of the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles of Paul on 288 sheets of parchment (33.8 × 24.2 cm), but the codex is missing some parts of the Epistles of Paul (Rom. 10.18 to 1 Cor. 6:13; 1 Cor. 8, 8-11).

The text is in two columns with 27 lines. It contains alcohol asper, spiritus lenis and accents.

The Greek text of the Codex represents the Byzantine text and is assigned to Category V.

The manuscript was examined by Scholz and collated by Matthäi .

The codex is kept in the State Historical Museum (V. 93) in Moscow .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Kurt and Barbara Aland : The text of the New Testament. Introduction to the scientific editions as well as the theory and practice of modern textual criticism . German Bible Society, Stuttgart 1981, p. 122. ISBN 3-438-06011-6 .
  2. a b Gregory, Caspar René: Text Criticism of the New Testament, Vol. 1 . Leipzig 1900, p. 101-102 .
  3. ^ CF Matthaei, Novum Testamentum Graece et Latine (Riga, 1782–1788). (as g)


  • J. Leroy, “Un témoin ancien des petits catéchèses de Théodore Studite”, Scriptorium 15 (1961), pp. 36-60.
  • Kurt Treu , The Greek Manuscripts of the New Testament in the USSR; a systematic evaluation of the text manuscripts in Leningrad, Moscow, Kiev, Odessa, Tbilisi and Erevan , T & U 91 (Berlin, 1966), pp. 280–283.

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