Cohors I Antiochensium

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The Cohors I Antiochensium [sagittariorum or sagittaria] ( German  1st cohort from Antioch [the archers] ) was a Roman auxiliary unit . It is evidenced by military diplomas and inscriptions.

Name components

  • I : The Roman number stands for the ordinal number, the first ( Latin prima ). Hence the name of this military unit is pronounced as Cohors prima ...
  • Antiochensium : from Antioch . The soldiers of the cohort were recruited from the city of Antioch and its surroundings when the unit was set up . Of the numerous cities with the name Antioch , this is probably Antioch on the Orontes .
  • sagittariorum or sagittaria : the archer. The addition occurs in military diplomas from 129 to 161.

Since there are no references to the additions to the name milliaria (1000 men) and equitata (partially mounted), it can be assumed that it is a Cohors quingenaria peditata , a pure infantry cohort. The nominal strength of the unit was 480 men, consisting of 6 Centuries with 80 men each.


The cohort was stationed in the provinces of Moesia and Moesia superior (in that order). It is listed on military diplomas for the years AD 75 to 161.

The unit probably came to the lower Danube with Gaius Licinius Mucianus from Syria. The first evidence in the province of Moesia is based on a diploma dated 75. In the diploma, the cohort is listed as part of the troops (see Roman Armed Forces in Moesia ) that were stationed in the province. Further diplomas, dated from 93 to 161, prove the unit in the province of Moesia Superior . On the military diplomas of 115, the unit is listed as one of four cohorts that remained stationed in Moesia Superior , while nine other cohorts from the province were assigned to Trajan's Parthian War ( translatis in expeditione ).

The cohort was in the province of Dacia around 103/105 , where it is evidenced by an inscription. She probably took part in the establishment of the military camp in Drobeta and was possibly also temporarily stationed there. Participation in the Dacer wars Trajan is uncertain.


Locations of the cohort in Dacia may have been:

  • Drobeta : an inscription was found here.

Members of the cohort

The following members of the cohort are known.



  • Antipater Her [], a foot soldier: a diploma of 157 ( RMD 5, 418 ) was issued for him.
  • Barala, a foot soldier: a diploma of 157 ( AE 2008, 1718 ) was issued to him.
  • Sapia, a foot soldier: a diploma of 100 ( CIL 16, 46 ) was issued to him.

See also


  • Florian Matei-Popescu, Ovidiu Țentea: Auxilia Moesiae Superioris , Mega Publishing House 2018, ISBN 978-606-020-063-5 ( online )
  • John Spaul : Cohors² The evidence for and a short history of the auxiliary infantry units of the Imperial Roman Army , British Archaeological Reports 2000, BAR International Series (Book 841), ISBN 978-1-84171-046-4
  • Ovidiu Țentea: Ex Oriente ad Danubium. The Syrian auxiliary units on the Danube frontier of the Roman Empire Publisher: Mega Publishing House, 2012, Editor: Center of Roman Military Studies 6, ISBN 978-606-543-206-2 , doi : 10.13140 / RG.2.1.4246.1604 ( Online )

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c John Spaul , Cohors², pp. 421, 424.
  2. a b c d Florian Matei-Popescu, Ovidiu Țentea, Auxilia, pp. 33–34, 92, 127–131.
  3. a b c d Ovidiu Țentea, Ex Oriente, pp. 19, 38–39, 114, 194.
  4. Military diplomas of the years 75 ( RMD 1, 2 ), 93 ( CIL 16, 39 ), 94 ( RMD 5, 335 ), 96/100 ( RMD 4, 218 ), 100 ( Chiron-2008-326 , Chiron-2008- 338 , Chiron-2008-343 , CIL 16, 46 ), 101 ( Chiron-2008-329 ), 103/105 ( ZPE-194-223 ), 111/112 ( Chiron-2008-355 ), 112/114 ( Chiron -2008-360 ), 115 ( Chiron-2005-64 , Chiron-2008-363 , ZPE-194-229 ), 129 ( ZPE-207-224 ), 133 ( RMD 4, 247 ), 135 ( ZPE-203- 227 ), 137 ( ZPE-194-236 ), 151 ( RMM 00031 ), 157 ( AE 2008, 1718 , RMD 5, 418 , RMM 00037 ), 159 ( CIL 16, 111 ), 160 ( ZPE-192-233 ) and 161 ( RMD 1, 55 ).
  5. ^ Jörg Scheuerbrandt : Exercitus. Tasks, organization and command structure of Roman armies during the imperial era. Dissertation, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau 2003/2004, p. 164 Table 8 ( PDF ).
  6. a b inscription from Drobeta ( AE 1959, 309 ).
  7. Florian Matei-Popescu, Ovidiu Țentea: Participation of the Auxiliary Troops from Moesia Superior in Trajan's Dacian Wars In: Revue d'Archeologie et d'Histoire Ancienne Bucarest, 2006, pp. 127–140, here p. 133 ( online ).