Roman forces in Moesia

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The provinces of Moesia Inferior and Superior

The Roman armed forces in Moesia ( Latin exercitus Moesiacus ) consisted of the legions and auxiliary troops stationed in the Roman province of Moesia as well as the Classis Moesica from the beginning of the first century AD .

In 29 BC Moesia was conquered by Marcus Licinius Crassus and later converted into a Roman province . In the first century AD, the Romans divided the area into the provinces of Moesia Superior (Upper Moesia ) and Moesia Inferior (Lower Moesia ). Under Diocletian (284-305) the two provinces were then divided into smaller provinces.


The following legions (or parts of them) were stationed in the province of Moesia at the following locations at different times:

Auxiliary troops


A.D. 75 to 78

On military diplomas from the years 75 to 78, 2 Alae and 21 cohorts are listed for the province of Moesia:

  • Ala I Gallorum
  • Ala I Vespasiana Dardanorum
  • Cohors I Sugambrorum tironum
  • Cohors I Sugambrorum veterana
  • Cohors I Thracum Syriaca
  • Cohors I Tyriorum
  • Cohors I Ubiorum

Moesia inferior

AD 92 to 97

On military diplomas from the years 92 to 97, 9 alae and 18 cohorts are listed for the province of Moesia Inferior:

  • Ala I Claudia Gallorum
  • Ala II Claudia Gallorum
  • Ala I Flavia Gaetulorum
  • Ala Gallorum Atectorigiana
  • Ala Gallorum Flaviana
  • Ala Hispanorum
  • Ala II Hispanorum et Arvacorum
  • Ala I Pannoniorum
  • Ala I Vespasiana Dardanorum
  • Cohors I Lusitanorum Cyrenaica
  • Cohors I Raetorum
  • Cohors I Sugambrorum tironum
  • Cohors I Sugambrorum veterana
  • Cohors I Tyriorum
  • Cohors I Ubiorum

AD 99-105

On military diplomas from the years 99 to 105, 9 alae and 21 cohorts are listed for the province:

  • Ala I Asturum
  • Ala I Claudia Gallorum
  • Ala I Flavia Gaetulorum
  • Ala Gallorum Atectorigiana
  • Ala Gallorum Flaviana
  • Ala Hispanorum
  • Ala II Hispanorum et Arvacorum
  • Ala I Pannoniorum
  • Ala I Vespasiana Dardanorum
  • Cohors I Flavia Numidarum
  • Cohors II Gallorum
  • Cohors III Gallorum
  • Cohors IV Gallorum
  • Cohors VII Gallorum
  • Cohors I Hispanorum veterana
  • Cohors I Lepidiana
  • Cohors II Lucensium
  • Cohors I Lusitanorum Cyrenaica
  • Cohors II Mattiacorum
  • Cohors I Sugambrorum tironum
  • Cohors I Sugambrorum veterana
  • Cohors I Tyriorum
  • Cohors I Ubiorum

109 to 120 AD

On military diplomas from years 109 to 120, 5 alae and 13 cohorts are listed for the province:

  • Ala I Claudia Gallorum
  • Ala I Flavia Gaetulorum
  • Ala II Hispanorum et Arvacorum
  • Ala I Pannoniorum
  • Ala I Vespasiana Dardanorum
  • Cohors I Augusta Nerviana Pacensis Brittonum
  • Cohors I Bracaraugustanorum
  • Cohors II Flavia Brittonum
  • Cohors I Flavia Commagenorum
  • Cohors I Flavia Numidarum
  • Cohors II Gallorum
  • Cohors III Gallorum
  • Cohors VII Gallorum
  • Cohors I Lepidiana
  • Cohors II Lucensium
  • Cohors II Mattiacorum
  • Cohors I Sugambrorum tironum
  • Cohors I Sugambrorum veterana

125 to 157 A.D.

On military diplomas from the years 125 to 157, 5 alae and 16 cohorts are listed for the province:

  • Ala I Flavia Gaetulorum
  • Ala Gallorum Atectorigiana
  • Ala I Gallorum et Pannoniorum
  • Ala II Hispanorum et Arvacorum
  • Ala I Vespasiana Dardanorum
  • Cohors I Bracaraugustanorum
  • Cohors II Bracaraugustanorum
  • Cohors II Chalcidenorum
  • Cohors I Cilicum
  • Cohors I Cisipadensium
  • Cohors II Flavia Brittonum
  • Cohors I Flavia Numidarum
  • Cohors I Germanorum
  • Cohors I Gallorum
  • Cohors I Lepidiana
  • Cohors II Lucensium
  • Cohors I Lusitanorum Cyrenaica
  • Cohors II Mattiacorum
  • Cohors I Sugambrorum tironum
  • Cohors I Sugambrorum veterana
  • Cohors I Thracum Syriaca

Moesia Superior

93 to 94 A.D.

On military diplomas from the years 93 to 94, 3 Alae and 9 cohorts are listed for the province of Moesia Superior:

  • Ala I Claudia Nova Miscellanea
  • Ala II Pannoniorum
  • Ala Praetoria
  • Cohors I Antiochensium
  • Cohors I Cilicum
  • Cohors I Cisipadensium

A.D. 96-101

On military diplomas from the years 96 to 101, 3 alae and 21 cohorts are listed for the province:

  • Ala I Claudia Nova Miscellanea
  • Ala II Pannoniorum
  • Ala Praetoria
  • Cohors I Flavia Hispanorum
  • Cohors II Gallorum Macedonica
  • Cohors V Gallorum
  • Cohors II Hispanorum
  • Cohors V Hispanorum
  • Cohors I Lusitanorum

A.D. 103/106 to A.D. 103/107

On military diplomas from the years 103/106 to 103/107 2 Alae, 11 cohorts and one further unit are listed for the province:

  • Ala II Pannoniorum
  • Ala Praetoria
  • Cohors I Alpinorum
  • Cohors I Britannica
  • Singular Britannicianis

125/126 to 161 A.D.

On military diplomas from the years 125/126 to 161, 2 alae and 11 cohorts are listed for the province:

  • Ala I Claudia Nova Miscellanea
  • Ala Gallorum Flaviana
  • Cohors I Antiochensium
  • Cohors III Brittonum
  • Cohors III Campestris
  • Cohors I Cretum
  • Cohors II Dacorum
  • Cohors II Gallorum Macedonica
  • Cohors I Montanorum
  • Cohors I Pannoniorum

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Florian Matei-Popescu: The Auxiliary Units from Moesia Superior in Domitian's Time and the Problem of CIL XVI 41 In: Ephemeris Napocensis XVI-XVII, 2006-2007, pp. 31-48, here p. 34 ( online ).
  2. Moesia: Military diplomas of the years 75 ( RMD 1, 2 , RMM 1 ), 75/78 ( RMD 4, 209 ) and 78 ( CIL 16, 22 , RMD 4, 208 , RMD 5, 325 )
  3. a b c d e f g h Jörg Scheuerbrandt : Exercitus. Tasks, organization and command structure of Roman armies during the imperial era. Dissertation, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau 2003/2004, pp. 89-90, 164, 166 tables 8, 9 ( PDF pp. 91-92, 166, 168 ).
  4. ^ Moesia Inferior: Military diplomas of the years 92 ( ZPE-148-269 ) and 97 ( RMD 5, 337 , RMD 5, 338 )
  5. Moesia Inferior: Military diplomas of the years 99 ( CIL 16, 44 , CIL 16, 45 , RMD 4, 217 ) and 105 ( CIL 16, 50 , RMM 10 , RMM 11 )
  6. Moesia Inferior: Military diplomas of the years 109 ( RMD 4, 219 ), 111 ( RMD 4, 222 ), 114 ( CIL 16, 58 ) and 120 ( RMD 5, 356 )
  7. ^ Moesia Inferior: Military diplomas of the years 125 ( RMD 4, 235 ), 127 ( RMD 4, 241 ), 134 ( CIL 16, 78 ), 138 ( CIL 16, 83 , RMD 4, 253 ), 145 ( RMD 3, 165 ), 148/153 ( RMD 5, 412 ) and 157 ( RMD 1, 50 )
  8. ^ Moesia Superior: Military diplomas from the years 93 ( CIL 16, 39 ) and 94 ( RMD 5, 335 )
  9. Moesia Superior: Military diplomas of the years 96 ( RMD 1, 6 ), 99 ( RMD 1, 7 ), 100 ( CIL 16, 46 ) and 101 ( RMD 3, 143 )
  10. ^ Moesia Superior: Military diplomas of the years 103/106 ( RMM 13 ), 103/107 ( CIL 16, 54 ) and 105 ( CIL 16, 49 )
  11. Moesia Superior: military diplomas of the years 132 ( RMD 4, 247 ), 151 ( RMM 31 ), 157 ( RMD 5, 418 , RMM 37 ), 158/159 ( RMD 5, 419 ), 159 ( CIL 16, 111 ) and 161 ( RMD 1, 55 )