Roman forces in Thracia

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The Roman armed forces in Thracia consisted of the auxiliary troops stationed in Thracia from the middle of the first century AD . Under Claudius (41–54) the vassal kingdom of the Odryses was annexed and the Roman province of Thracia was established.

Auxiliary troops

88 AD

A cohort for the province is listed on a military diploma from the year 88 :

114 AD

A military diploma from 114 lists two cohorts for the province:

138 AD

Two cohorts are listed on a military diploma from 138:

AD 157 to 167/168

Three cohorts are listed on military diplomas from the years 157 to 167/168:

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Werner Eck : Two diplomas for the troops of the province of Thracia, including the earliest under Emperor Domitian In: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik . Volume 188 (2014), pp. 250-254, here p. 252 ( online ).
  2. ^ Military diploma of the year 88 ( ZPE-188-250 )
  3. a b c Jörg Scheuerbrandt : Exercitus. Tasks, organization and command structure of Roman armies during the imperial era. Dissertation, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau 2003/2004, p. 168 table 10 ( PDF p. 170 ).
  4. Military Diploma of 114 ( RMD 1, 14 )
  5. Military diploma of the year 138 ( RMD 4, 260 )
  6. Military diplomas of the years 157 ( RMD 5, 417 ), 161/162 ( RMD 5, 435 ), 162/163 ( RMD 5, 437 ), 166/168 ( RMD 5, 439 , RMD 5, 440 ) and 167/168 ( RMD 5, 441 )