Cohors VII Breucorum

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A brick stamp of the cohort

The Cohors VII Breucorum [civium Romanorum] [equitata] [Alexandriana] [Antoniniana] [Gordiana] [Maximiniana] [Philippiana] [Severiana] ( German  7th cohort of the Breuker [the Roman citizens] [partly mounted] [the Alexandrian] [the Antoninian] [the Gordian] [the Maximinian] [the Philippian] [the Severian] ) was a Roman auxiliary unit . It is evidenced by military diplomas , inscriptions and brick stamps.

Name components

  • VII : The Roman number stands for the ordinal number the seventh ( Latin septima ). Hence the name of this military unit is pronounced as Cohors septima ...
  • civium Romanorum : the Roman citizen. The soldiers of the unit had been granted Roman citizenship at one point in time. However, this did not apply to soldiers who were accepted into the unit after this point in time. They received Roman citizenship only with their honorable farewell ( Honesta missio ) after 25 years of service. The addition appears in military diplomas from 96 to 115 AD and in inscriptions.
  • equitata : partially mounted. The unit was a mixed association of infantry and cavalry. The addition occurs in inscriptions.
  • Alexandriana : the Alexandrian. An honorary title that refers to Severus Alexander (222-235). The addition occurs on bricks.
  • Antoniniana : the Antoninian. An honorific designation that refers to Caracalla (211-217) or Elagabal (218-222). The addition occurs on bricks.
  • Gordiana : the Gordian. A title of honor that refers to Gordian III. (238-244) refers. The addition occurs on bricks.
  • Maximiniana : the Maximinian. An honorific designation referring to Maximinus Thrax (235-238). The addition occurs on bricks.
  • Philippiana : the Philippian. An honorary title that refers to Philip Arabs (244–249). The addition occurs on bricks.
  • Severiana : the Severian. An honorary title that refers to Severus Alexander (222-235). The addition occurs on bricks.

Since there is no evidence of the addition of milliaria (1000 men) to the name , the unit was a Cohors quingenaria equitata . The nominal strength of the cohort was 600 men (480 infantry and 120 horsemen), consisting of 6 centuries of infantry with 80 men each and 4 tower cavalry with 30 horsemen each.


The cohort was stationed in the provinces of Germania , Pannonia , Moesia superior , Cyprus, and Pannonia inferior (in that order). It is listed on military diplomas for the years AD 65 to 203.

The unit was probably set up after the Pannonian uprising . The first evidence in Germania is based on a diploma dated 65. In the diploma, the cohort is listed as part of the troops (see Roman Armed Forces in Germania ) that were stationed in the province.

Presumably under Vespasian (69–79) it was moved to the province of Pannonia . The first evidence of unity in Pannonia is based on a diploma dated 85. In the diploma, the cohort is listed as part of the troops (see Roman Forces in Pannonia ) that were stationed in the province.

At an unspecified point in time the unit was moved to Moesia superior ; this probably happened in connection with Domitian's Dacer wars . The first evidence of unity in the province is based on a diploma dated 96. In the diploma, the cohort is listed as part of the troops (see Roman Armed Forces in Moesia ) that were stationed in the province. Further diplomas, dated 96/100 to 115, prove the unity in the same province.

The cohort may have participated in Trajan's Dacer Wars . In the diplomas of 115 the unit is listed as one of the cohorts that were detached from Moesia superior for the Parthian War of Trajan ( translatis in expeditione ). An inscription shows that a vexillation from the cohort was part of a larger unit together with other units. Another inscription shows that the cohort was in Cyprus around 116/117 ; The unit was probably moved there in connection with the diaspora uprising.

At an unspecified point in time, the unit was relocated to Pannonia Inferior , where it is first evidenced by a diploma dated 126. Other diplomas, dated 143 to 203, prove unity in the same province.

The last evidence of unity is based on bricks dated 244/249.


Cohort locations may have been:

Bricks with different stamps of the unit were found in the following places: Ad Militare ( Batina ), Annamatia ( Baracs ), Aquincum ( Budapest ), Brigetio ( Komárom ), Intercisa ( Dunaújváros ), Lussonium ( Dunakömlőd ), Mursa ( Osijek ), Sirmium ( Sremska Mitrovica ), Szikszó and Viminacium ( Kostolac ).

Members of the cohort

The following members of the cohort are known.



See also

Web links

Commons : Cohors VII Breucorum  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  • John Spaul : Cohors² The evidence for and a short history of the auxiliary infantry units of the Imperial Roman Army , British Archaeological Reports 2000, BAR International Series (Book 841), ISBN 978-1-84171-046-4


  1. ^ A b According to Margaret M. Roxan and Florian Matei-Popescu, Ovidiu Țentea, Roman citizenship was probably granted in connection with Domitian's Dacer wars .
  2. The inscription shows that Marcus Sentius Proculus was prefect of the Cohors I Thracum Syriaca and at the same time commanded vexillations from the Cohors I Cilicum and the Cohors VII Breucorum . According to Florian Matei-Popescu, Ovidiu Țentea, this command is to be seen in connection with Trajan's Parthian War.
  3. According to John Spaul, the inscription found in Cyprus indicates the establishment of a camp by the unit.

Individual evidence

  1. Inscriptions with civium Romanorum ( AE 1953, 171 , AE 2010, 1620 , CIL 3, 10278 , CIL 3, 15148 )
  2. Inscriptions with equitata ( AE 1953, 171 , AE 2010, 1620 , CIL 3, 10278 , CIL 3, 15148 )
  3. Brick with Alexandriana ( RHP 00273a , RHP 00273b ).
  4. Brick with Antoniniana ( AE 1955, 14 , CIL 03, 03757a , CIL 03, 03757h , CIL 03, 03757i , CIL 03, 03757k , CIL 03, 03757l , CIL 03, 03757n , CIL 03, 03757o , CIL 03, 03757p , CIL 03, 10668a , CIL 03, 10668h , CIL 03, 10668i , CIL 03, 10668k , CIL 03, 10668l , CIL 03, 10668n , CIL 03, 10668o , CIL 03, 10668p , IILPecs 00130 , TitAq-03, 01340 , TitAq -03, 01347 , TitAq-03, 01358 ).
  5. Bricks with Gordiana ( CIL 03, 03757f , CIL 03, 03757v , CIL 03, 03757w , CIL 03, 03757x , CIL 03, 10668f , CIL 03, 10668v , CIL 03, 10668w , CIL 03, 10668x ).
  6. Brick with Maximiniana ( AE 2005, 1243 , AE 2008, 01148a , AE 2008, 01148b ).
  7. a b Brick with Philippiana ( RHP 00275a , RHP 00275b ).
  8. Brick with Severiana ( CIL 03, 03757m , CIL 03, 03757q , CIL 03, 03757r , CIL 03, 03757s , CIL 03, 03757t , CIL 03, 03757u , CIL 03, 6472 , CIL 03, 10668m , CIL 03, 10668q , CIL 03, 10668r , CIL 03, 10668s , CIL 03, 10668t , CIL 03, 10668u ).
  9. ^ A b c John Spaul , Cohors², pp. 315-316, 325-326
  10. ^ Jörg Scheuerbrandt : Exercitus. Tasks, organization and command structure of Roman armies during the imperial era. Dissertation, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg im Breisgau 2003/2004, pp. 159, 161, 163–164 tables 3, 5, 7–8 ( PDF ).
  11. Military diplomas of the years 65 ( RMD 2, 79 ), 85 ( CIL 16, 31 ), 96 ( RMD 1, 6 ), 96/100 ( RMD 4, 218 ), 100 ( Chiron-2008-326 , CIL 16, 46 , ZPE-192-218 ), 103/105 ( ZPE-194-223 ), 103/106 ( Chiron-2009-567 ), 109 ( ZPE-194-226 ), 115 ( Chiron-2005-64 , Chiron-2008 -363 ), 126 ( AE 2010, 1861 ), 143 ( RMD 4, 266 ), 144 ( RMD 5, 397 ), 148 ( CIL 16, 179 , CIL 16, 180 ), 152 ( ZPE-171-221 ), 154 ( ZPE-146-247 ), 157 ( AE 2009, 1079 , RMD 2, 102 , RMD 2, 103 ), 157/192 ( RMD 5, 448 , SpecNova-2004-156 ), 159 ( CIL 16, 112 , CIL 16, 113 ), 162 ( ZPE-173-223 ), 167 ( CIL 16, 123 ), 192 ( RMD 5, 446 , RMD 5, 447 ) and 203 ( RMD 3, 187 ).
  12. a b c d e Florian Matei-Popescu, Ovidiu Țentea: Auxilia Moesiae Superioris , Mega Publishing House 2018, ISBN 978-606-020-063-5 , pp. 37-39 ( online )
  13. a b Julianus Egidius Bogaers : Cohortes Breucorum , pp. 27-50, here pp. 29, 43-44 ( online ).
  14. ^ A b Margaret M. Roxan : Two Complete Diplomas of Pannonia Inferior: 19 May 135 and 7 Aug. 143. In: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik , Volume 127 (1999), pp. 249-273, here pp. 264-265 ( PDF ).
  15. inscription ( AE 1926, 150 )
  16. inscription ( AE 1953, 171 )
  17. Inscriptions from Lugio ( CIL 3, 10278 , CIL 3, 15148 )
  18. ^ Bricks from Ad Militare : Stamp COH VII BR ( CIL 03, 03757c , CIL 03, 10668c ).
  19. Bricks from Annamatia : stamp COH VII BR ( CIL 03, 03757d ), COH VII BRE MAX ( AE 2005, 1243 ), COH VII BR ALE (X) ( RHP 00273a , RHP 00273b ) and COH VII BR PHILIPP ( RHP 00275b ) .
  20. ^ Bricks from Aquincum : Stamp COH VII BR ( TitAq-03, 01328 ), COH VII BREUC ANT ( AE 1955, 14 ), COH VII BRE MAX ( AE 2008, 01148a , AE 2008, 01148b ), COH VII BR AN (T ) ( CIL 03, 03757h , CIL 03, 03757i , CIL 03, 03757k , CIL 03, 03757l , CIL 03, 03757n , CIL 03, 10668h , CIL 03, 10668i , CIL 03, 10668k , CIL 03, 10668l , TitAq-03 , 01340 , TitAq-03, 01347 , TitAq-03, 01358 ), COH VII BR SEVER (IAN) ( CIL 03, 03757m , CIL 03, 6472 , CIL 03, 10668m ).
  21. ^ Bricks from Brigetio : Stamp COH VII BR AN (T) ( CIL 03, 03757o , CIL 03, 03757p , CIL 03, 10668n , CIL 03, 10668o , CIL 03, 10668p ), COH VII BR GORD (I) ( CIL 03 , 03757v , CIL 03, 03757w , CIL 03, 03757x , CIL 03, 10668v , CIL 03, 10668w , CIL 03, 10668x ) and COH VII BR SEV (ERIAN) ( CIL 03, 03757q , CIL 03, 03757r , CIL 03, 03757s , CIL 03, 03757t , CIL 03, 03757u , CIL 03, 10668q , CIL 03, 10668r , CIL 03, 10668s , CIL 03, 10668t , CIL 03, 10668u ).
  22. ^ Bricks from Intercisa : stamp COH VII BR ( AE 1909, 00148b ) and COH VII BR FIL ( RHP 00275a ).
  23. brick Lussonium : stamp COH VII BR ( CIL 03, 03757e , CIL 03, 10668e ) and COH VII BR GORD ( CIL 03, 03757f , CIL 03, 10668f ).
  24. ^ Bricks from Mursa : stamp COH VII BR ( CIL 03, 03757b , CIL 03, 10668b ).
  25. ^ Bricks from Sirmium : stamp COH VII BR ANT ( CIL 03, 03757a , CIL 03, 10668a ).
  26. ^ Bricks from Szikszó : stamp COH VII BR ( CIL 03, 10668d ).
  27. ^ Bricks from Viminacium : stamp COH VII BREU ( AE 1905, 162 ) and COH VII BREUCORUM ( AE 2004, 1224 ).