Comandante del Ejército Rebelde

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Comandante (Eng. Commander, Commander) was the highest rank within the revolutionary " rebel army " (span. Ejército Rebelde) during their guerrilla war against the dictator Fulgencio Batista (1956-1959).

As the leader of the rebel army, Fidel Castro was given the title of "Comandante en Jefe" (Supreme Commander), a rank which he later officially retained in the regular Cuban Revolutionary Forces ( Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias ) and later as a historical title.

The honorary title "Comandante de la Revolución" was awarded in 1976 to the three Comandantes Juan Almeida , Guillermo García Frías and Ramiro Valdés .

List of commanders of the rebel army

Fallen before January 1, 1959

From 1959 went into opposition to Fidel Castro

Still living in Cuba today

Other commanders

See also

Cuban rebel army


  • Ernesto Guevara: Cuban Diary ("Pasajes de la Guerra Revolucionaria. Cuba 1959-1969"). Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Cologne 2008, ISBN 978-3-462-04040-1 .


  1. ^ Member of the Directorio Revolucionario (DR) and participant in the attack on March 13, 1957 on the Presidential Palace
  2. "Second National Front in the Escambray Mountains" (Spanish: Segundo Frente Nacional del Escambray)