Communist Party of Australia (1996)

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Communist Party of Australia
Party leader Vinicio Molina
Secretary General Andrew Irving
Emergence Communist Party of Australia 1920
Socialist Party of Australia 1971
founding 1996
Headquarters Surry Hills, New South Wales
newspaper The Guardian
Alignment Communism
International connections International meeting of communist and workers' parties

The Communist Party of Australia (abbreviated CPA) is an Australian party that was formed in 1996 . She takes a Marxist-Leninist point of view and is a member of the international meeting of communist and workers' parties .


The party was founded in 1971 as the Socialist Party of Australia (SPA) by former members of the 1920 CPA. Since they were dissatisfied with the policies of the CPA and wanted to prevent the CPA from becoming a left-wing social democratic party, it seemed necessary to them to found a new one. Those who resigned believed that the CPA should remain a classic Marxist-Leninist party and did not share the CPA's criticism of the Soviet Union's intervention during the Prague Spring of 1968. The SPA was led by a group of veterans of the union movement, such as Pat Clancy and Peter Symon, who was the general secretary until his death in December 2008. In 1996 the SPA took over the name Communist Party of Australia and thus declared itself to be the successor organization of this party.

Political positions

The CPA sees the current economic and social problems in Australia as a result of capitalist development and therefore advocates a change in the political leadership of the country as well as a change towards a socialist system as a fundamental solution. The party is guided by the ideas of Marxism-Leninism. The CPA therefore opposes the privatization of public property, the setting of prices, corporate profits and interest rates by the government, the abolition of taxes on food and services, for the expansion of the public sector, for land rights of the Aborigines, for the increase of the minimum wage and among other things of pensions, the reduction of weekly working hours and equal wages for women.

Party press

The CPA publishes the weekly newspaper The Guardian and the magazine The Australian Marxist Review .


Individual members of the CPA ran for elections, but with little success. Michael Perth ran for the House of Commons in the Port Adelaide constituency in 1998 and 2001 , receiving less than 1% of the vote in both elections.


In 2009, Vinicio Molina was elected party chairman, a member of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union in Western Australia who was born in Guatemala.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ CPA : Celebration of a life dedicated to peace and socialism , The Gardian , accessed March 16, 2011
  2. CPA : An introduction to the Communist Party of Australia (English)
  3. CPA : About us (English)
  4. CPA : An introduction to the Communist Party of Australia (English)