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The Concertzender is a Dutch radio station and former public service radio stations .


The radio station was founded in 1982 in Amsterdam by SALTO Omroep Amsterdam . In 1997 it was taken over by VPRO . In 1998 Concertzender was subordinated to the Nederlandse Publieke Omroep , which has financed the station ever since. On November 13, 2008 it was announced that the NPO wanted to end the financing of the Concertzender because the station would no longer fit into the order of public broadcasters.

The program includes jazz , early music , classical music , new music and world music . Close contact with conservatories and music festivals has resulted in around 100 programs. These are broadcast without advertising 24 hours a day on Radio 6 , via the Internet, digital radio and cable network. The chairman of the station in Hilversum is Ruud Königel .

The Karl Sczuka Prize winner In the End of the Road by Blagomir Alexiev premiered at the Concertzender in 2001.

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