Cone eels

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Cone eels
Conger eel.jpg

Conger eels ( congrinae )

Subclass : Neuflosser (Neopterygii)
Subclass : Real bony fish (Teleostei)
Cohort : Elopomorpha
Order : Eel-like (Anguilliformes)
Family : Conger eels (Congridae)
Subfamily : Cone eels
Scientific name
Gill , 1861

The conger (Congrinae) are a subfamily of Meeraale (Congridae) that slightly more than 20 genera and 60 species comprises. They live worldwide in tropical and subtropical seas from shallow water to the deep sea. Conger eels are mostly nocturnal and live in caves, crevices in the rock or burrow tail first in the sandy soil during the day.


The body shape is eel-like, the body diameter is usually larger than that of the river eels . The rays of the dorsal and anal fin are segmented and the pectoral fins are well developed. The back nostrils are between the eyes.


The reproductive biology of fish is largely unknown. Females of European conger ( Conger conger ) put three to 8 million eggs, feed sheet form from those free-floating Leptocephalus hatch larvae.



Web links

Commons : Congrinae  - collection of images, videos and audio files