Conrad Freiherr von Wendt

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Monument in front of Gevelinghausen Castle

Conrad Freiherr von Wendt (born April 24, 1872 at Gevelinghausen Castle ; † January 19, 1945 ) was the owner of the Gevelinghausen manor and other estates and was involved in Catholic, charitable associations.

Wendt was the son of Baron Carl von Wendt-Papenhausen and his wife Maria (born from Romberg zu Bladenhorst). He was visually impaired and could not attend a public school. Wendt was taught by the local elementary school teacher in Gevelinghausen Castle. From 1890 to 1892 he did an agricultural and forestry internship on the former Glindfeld monastery . He also gained experience in the administration of the Gevelinghausen, Wiggeringhausen, Schellenstein and Papenhausen family estates as well as the Passel Hof in Nuttlar.

In 1901 von Wendt married Countess Agnes von Galen, daughter of the Reichstag member Ferdinand Heribert von Galen (1831-1906) and sister of the later Cardinal Clemens August Graf von Galen (1878-1946). The family lived at Schellenstein Castle from 1902. There von Wendt came into contact with Pastor Heinrich Sommer . A year later, at the Katholikentag in Cologne, he proposed the establishment of a “cripple home” for physically handicapped young people.

Conrad von Wendt supported the founding initiative of Pastor Heinrich Sommer with his fortune, his far-reaching church and political relationships and his board work for over 40 years. He was a founding member of the Josefs Society on August 15, 1904 and its first chairman from June 1, 1914 to January 19, 1945.

At the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Josefs Society, the President of the Province of Westphalia , Johannes Gronowski , described him as the “most social aristocrat in Westphalia”. From Pope Pius XI. he received the Order of Gregorius .


  • Conrad Freiherr von Wendt. Brochure for the inauguration of a bust by Wendt on the occasion of the Open Monument Day on September 9, 2007.

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