Conrad Sörgel von Sorgenthal

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Conrad Sörgel von Sorgenthal (* 1735 in Nuremberg , † October 17, 1805 in Vienna ) was an Austrian civil servant and manufacture director . For his achievements, he was raised to the nobility by Queen Maria Theresa in 1765 and to the rank of baron in 1795.

Conrad Sörgel von Sorgenthal initially worked successfully for various textile manufacturers. From 1784 until his death he headed the Vienna Porcelain Manufactory , which under his leadership enjoyed great economic and artistic growth (“painterly period”). Sorgenthal was also the chief official for the state manufacturing system.

Eleonore Seorgel von Sorgenthal († 1810)

In 1796 he married Countess Eleonore von Seeau († 1810).

In 1932, Sorgenthalgasse in Vienna- Floridsdorf (21st district) was named after him.


  • Johann Michael Füssel, Unser Tagbuch: oder, Experiences and comments of a court master and his pupils on a journey through a large part of the Franconian district to Carlsbad and through Bavaria and Passau to Linz , Volume 3, 1791 p. 229 .
  • Constantin von Wurzbach : Sorgenthal, Conrad Freiherr . In: Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich . 36th part. Imperial and Royal Court and State Printing Office, Vienna 1878, pp. 21–24 ( digitized version ).
  • W. Seipel (ed.), White Gold from Europe, exhibition catalog, Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, 1997.
  • E. Sturm-Bednarczyk, Viennese porcelain of classicism. The C. von Sorgenthal era, 2000.

Individual evidence

  1. Register of the flourishing and dead nobility in Germany, Volume 3, p.394
  2. Collection of the kais. Also kais. Gravestones and monuments located in the capital and residence city of Vienna. P.51