Cornelius by Fabriczy

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Cornelius von Fabriczy (born September 3, 1839 in Löcse, Hungary, today Levoča , Slovakia, † October 5, 1910 ) was an art historian from Hungary .

He was trained as an engineer and initially worked for the Hungarian Railways. After a study trip to Italy from 1876 to 1878, he gave up his job and devoted himself entirely to art history. He visited Paris and London and settled in Stuttgart in 1880 .

Fabriczy dealt mainly with the art of the Italian, especially the Florentine Renaissance .

Publications (selection)

  • Il Libro di Antonio Billi e le sue copie nella Biblioteca Nazionale di Firenze. In: Archivio storico italiano Series 4, Volume 7, 1891, pp. 299-368 ( digitized version ).
  • Filippo Brunelleschi. His life and his works. Cotta, Stuttgart 1892 ( ).
  • Il codice dell'Anonimo Gaddiano (Cod.Magliabechiano XVII, 17) in the Biblioteca Nazionale di Firenze. In: Archivio Storico Italiano Series 5, Volume 12, No. 191, 1893, pp. 15–94.
  • The hand drawings of Giuliano da Sangallo. Critical Directory. Stuttgart 1902 ( digitized version )
  • Critical index of Tuscan wooden and clay statues up to the beginning of the Cinquecento (= Yearbook of the Royal Prussian Art Collections. Supplement to Volume 30). Berlin 1909.


  • Cornelio de Fabriczy. Necrologio, a cura di alcuni amici fiorentini con la bibliografia dei principali scritti di C. De Fabriczy sull'arte italiana . Tip. Giuntina, Florence 1910.
  • Hans Mackowsky : Cornel von Fabriczy . In: Repertorium für Kunstwissenschaft 33, 1910, pp. 485–492.

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