Corso dei Mille

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Garibaldi's procession of a thousand marches across the Ponte dell'Ammiraglio

The Corso dei Mille (Street of the Thousand) is a street in the Sicilian metropolitan city of Palermo .


The road begins on Via Lincoln at the height of Via Garibaldi and extends to the southeast almost to Palermo's neighboring town of Villabate, about 10 km away ( beginning - end ). Tram line No. 1 of the Palermos tram, which opened on December 30, 2015, largely follows the course of Corso dei Mille to the Roccella district.


Corso dei Mille is by the troops of the military leader Giuseppe Garibaldi named the 27 and 28 May 1860 his train of thousands moved from the hinterland of Sicily on this road and the Via Garibaldi in the city of Palermo, on the Piazza Rivoluzione the Announced the liberation of Sicily from Bourbon rule.

The former Strada di Termini was divided into 18 different sections: Monte Santo, Serraglio Vecchio, Buonriposo, San Giovanni dei Lebbrosi , Campo Maestro, Settecannoli, Torrelunga, Capello, Allegra, Roccella, Coglitore, Campopane, Guarnaschelli, Regio Corte, Favara , Balate, Croce Verde -Giardini . In 1968, as part of a reform, the sections were renamed to today's uniform name.


The Ponte delle Teste Mozze 1836

The Ponte delle Teste Mozze (bridge of the severed heads, location ) leading over the Oreto was originally a three-arched bridge and probably dates back to Arab times. Around 1500 the dilapidated old bridge was repaired. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the heads of those sentenced to death were piled up in a pyramid in a niche near the Chiesa della Madonna del Fiume as a deterrent. The clergy of the Church of Madonna del Fiume looked after the souls of the condemned and their burial in the adjoining cemetery. In 1881 the church was destroyed by a flood of the Oretos. Today only a memorial stone reminds of this incident. In the 20th century the old construction was replaced by a modern bridge. When it was demolished as part of the construction work for tram line 1 in 2014, the remains of the three old bridge piers of the original bridge came to light. They will remain accessible to the public even after the bridge has been rebuilt.

The nearby Ponte dell'Ammiraglio ( Lage ) is a historic bridge from the 12th century that spanned a branch of the Oreto. Since the river was straightened in 1938, the structure has stood about 100 meters away from the river in the dry.

A little off the Corso dei Mille is the Norman church of San Giovanni dei Lebbrosi near the tram stop of the same name.


The Filippo Marchese mafia clan is also known as the Corso dei Mille family . Its area extends from Piazza Scaffa, the Brancaccio and Ciaculli industrial areas to Croceverde-Giardini. There was a large heroin factory here in the 1970s. The family of Salvatore Greco worked in this field.


Adriana Chirco: Palermo la città ritrovata. Itinerari fuori le mura. Palermo 2006

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Documentation on the construction of Tram 1 (in Italian)
  2. Information about the Mafia clan (in Italian)